Trevor Bragg

Trevor Bragg is Head of Sales for Eagle Software, providing an innovative and fully integrated CRM, leasing and website solution for real estate.
  • CONTRIBUTORSSaving time with CRM trevor bragg

    How your CRM app can save you time

    Real estate agents are often pressed for time. Eagle Software Head of Sales Trevor Bragg explains how a smart CRM app can save you time and make your to-do list shorter. The number one tool for real estate agents is their mobile. Today, it’s generally expected that the software we use has an accompanying app that allows you to work…

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  • Elite Agent

    How to make your automated templates personal and engaging

    Have you ever taken the time to read what is being sent to your prospects and clients from your CRM? Now, consider those communications through the eyes of your recipients. Does the message stand out? Does the copy make you want to immediately reply or pick up the phone and call you? Or, does it seem like most canned communication…

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  • Brand Editorial

    Automation made easy

    ‘The clock is ticking’ is a phrase well known to real estate agents. There always seems to be so much to do in so little time. Trevor Bragg takes a look at how agents can use automation to save them time and create more hours to spend with clients. Time – we all wish we had more of it. If…

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