Elite AgentOPINION

Be so good they can’t ignore you

Eview Group takes a page out of comedian Steve Martin’s playbook when it comes to developing brand identity as a real estate agent.

When Steve Martin was asked the question, ‘How do you become a famous comedian?’ he replied with, “Be so good they can’t ignore you.” It’s become one of the most famous statements made when it comes to success.

There is much wisdom in the quote, because “getting good” is so easy to say, but so much harder to do. Or that’s what we are led or want to believe. When we peel back the layers, there is an enormous opportunity to be the agent no one can ignore.

People talk about how competitive the market is. How hard it is to make your mark and to stand out from the crowd.

There is fierce competition amongst real estate agents, and yet, when you speak to the general community, only a handful of agents are recognised as stand-out or go-to agents. It’s no wonder that statistically speaking, 20 per cent of agents generate 80 per cent of the volume when it comes to listing and selling.

I feel many agents sell themselves short because most have an unsubstantiated belief that becoming “so good they can’t ignore you” takes a lot of effort.

Granted, it just won’t happen. You’ve got to work at it every day. The fact is, getting good is a process and a mindset.

It’s the accumulation of the little things that make the difference. The majority of people ignore and/or do not value the ‘one percenters. Those that do, have a competitive advantage that is hard to break.

Here are three ‘little’ things agents can apply to make a massive impression and not be ignored.

1. Dress to impress

They invest in themselves and create a personal brand with things such as professional profile photography, vehicle presentation, personal marketing and grooming.

They value ‘professional presentation’ and they look sharp. I am not referencing thousand-dollar suits, expensive watches and fast cars. I’m referring to a consistent look and feel that matches their personality and target audience.

2. Consistency of message

It takes hundreds if not thousands of impressions to ‘make an impression.’

Sticking to a single message, consistently, over a long period of time, has the greatest impact. Of all the “be so good they can’t ignore you” strategies, this by far tops the list.

Whether it be weekly emails, social media posts, live social media market wraps or direct mail, religiously delivering a consistent message using a consistent format via a consistent channel is a game-changer.

3. Unwavering delivery of service

It takes six times the investment to attract a new client than to engage with one who has already used our services.

Repeat business is the reward for “being so good they can’t ignore you.”

Without question, if you want to convincingly outperform your competition, repeat and referral business is the solution. The only way that is achieved is by exceeding client expectations.

It’s creating an experience as opposed to a transaction and those agents who master the touchpoints during the customer journey will be difficult to ignore.

Finally …

When Steve Martin uttered those famous words, he was referencing the world of show business, but they equally apply to our industry.

Real estate is an industry which is part show business, part lifestyle, and part financial.

It’s an industry that provides each one of us an extraordinary opportunity to equally be “so good they can’t ignore you.”

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Manos Findikakis

Manos Findikakis is the CEO of Agents'Agency, Australia's first multi-brand real estate network.