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Bec Turner: signing 1600 managements in 4.5 years

Starting as a 17-year-old receptionist, Bec Turner has transformed herself into one of Ray White AKG's most successful business development managers, signing more than 1,600 properties in just four and a half years.

As Head of the Growth Team at Ray White AKG, Bec Turner has built her career through determination, adaptability and an unwavering commitment.

“When I started with Ray White, there was no structure around business development,” Ms Turner said.

“I pretty much had to come in and make it my own.”

In her second year post-COVID, she achieved her most significant milestone yet, single-handedly signing 535 managements – averaging more than two properties per day.

“Looking back, I actually don’t know how I did that,” she said. 

“It nearly broke me, but it showed what was possible with dedication and hard work.”

After her record-breaking year, Ms Turner recognised the need for support and began building a team. 

She now leads two Business Development Managers while still personally signing around 30 managements monthly.

“Learning to let go of things and realising you can’t do everything yourself was a big learning curve,” she said.

“As a leader, you want your team to see that you have a good work ethic. 

“When I’m at work, I give 110 per cent, then I go home and do the mum life thing.”

Ms Turner’s success stems from her ability to build strong relationships, particularly with sales teams and external partners.

“Sales and property management are usually very disconnected in many businesses,” she explained. 

“I had to align myself with the agents, get them on side to trust me.”

Her network now includes buyers’ agents and even agents from other networks who refer properties to her.

Despite her success, Ms Turner maintains a healthy work-life balance.

“In the beginning, I did the big hours to get the results, but now I have full flexibility,” she said. 

“I don’t work weekends, and I can work from anywhere.”

Her approach to training new team members has shown remarkable results. 

One of her BDMs went from signing 3-4 managements monthly to consistently achieving over 20, with a record month of 41 new managements.

“There’s no magic secret,” Ms Turner said. 

“It’s just hard work. Do the calls, pick up the phones, speak to people.”

“When you start becoming successful and seeing the results, that motivates you even more.

“You get out what you put in.”

Find out how she did it at The One Conference where Bec will be speaking about growth in property management and detailing how she signs up 500 properties per year.

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Rowan Crosby

Rowan Crosby is a senior journalist at Elite Agent specialising in finance and real estate.

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