Brad Henderson: One Life, One Chance

Sales agent and auctioneer Brad Henderson has set his sights high – but enjoying life, good health and a sense of fulfilment is part of his long-term vision.

Tell us about yourself and your role at OusProperty.

Born and bred in the country town of Naracoorte, SA, I moved to Adelaide for sport as a teenager. I then lived in a variety of locations across the state and Australia before being enticed back to Adelaide because the city is so ‘livable’.

Today, I’m a sales agent and auctioneer at OusProperty. We’re a boutique brand representing clients all across metropolitan Adelaide, with a higher engagement of service within the western and coastal marketplaces.

I love my workplace – we have a lot of fun and I’m excited for the future with our growing team.

What motivated you to get into real estate?

It’s no secret that Australians have a love affair with real estate; I’m just one of the majority!

I see real estate as the profession, the commodity, the people and relationships we formulate – my aligned vehicle towards creating an ideal lifestyle to enjoy now and for many years to come.

What is the market like in your area right now?

We’re finding different categories of property are performing at different levels. For example, the strata-titled market has been flat for some years, while demolition and development sites are in hot demand, in premium coastal suburbs.

Adelaide continues to prove a sound investment. There have been steady increases in median property values in recent times, with expectation for a similar trend moving forward.

Who or what inspires you?

This will sound deep, but I’m inspired by the concept of living a fulfilled life by design. I often take quiet time to think, ‘What do I enjoy? Who do I want to be around? What do I want to experience? How am I going to get it?’

“I love my workplace – we have a lot of fun and I’m excited for the future.”

Living aligned to my ethos, surrounded by positive people creating memorable moments, is my inspiration. Check out Jack Delosa on YouTube – I’m a big fan.

In your ‘briefcase’ right now is…

My iPad, notepad, business cards and agency agreements.

In my car: Chewy mints, deo spray, Bluetooth speaker to set the mood at opens, and notepads for on-the-fly scribble messages when I want to compliment someone’s garden, or ask them to call me for some insight.

In my hand: iPhone, always.

Something you couldn’t live without?

Good health. Sounds obvious, but I can vouch that it’s so easy to put health and fitness aside and take care of it another day. I’m working through morning strategies to ensure I get my exercise routine done first thing and letting the day’s agenda roll on from there.

What do you enjoy most about Elite Agent/EPM Magazine?

It’s a great insight into the people and businesses of our industry from all over the country. There’s always a little piece of gold in each edition that’s relevant. I subscribe to the magazine, I receive #TheBrief daily – well done to your team for producing great content!

What apps do you use most at the moment on your iPhone or iPad?

Without a doubt, Instagram (follow me @brad_henderson_) socially and professionally. Facebook and LinkedIn for other means to communicate. Google Drive for admin. RP Data Pro for property insight on the go. Spotify for music. And, finally, TheGrint for golf course GPS, because real estate agents are allowed to have other hobbies too.

What advice would you give someone starting out in real estate?

Play the long game. Consider an ‘apprenticeship’ to give yourself the opportunity to develop a solid foundation of what’s required in this industry – to develop your sales and personal skills and build your factual market knowledge. Starting in a personal assistant or buyer agent role allows you to witness firsthand and learn from experienced agents in your office.

Be open to speaking with agents outside your office, too. The good ones will be all too happy to give a little of their time with sincere advice.

Any words to live by?

I’ve held this short poem in mind for many years:

“One earth, one sun,
one air we breathe,
One soul, one life,
one chance we receive.”

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