CASE STUDIESElite AgentReality TV

Career investment: Aleks Markovic

Aleks Markovic is the Property Investment Manager at LJ Hooker Greystanes, and graced our screens on Married At First Sight: Season 7.

“I think for me, it’s the people aspect,” says Aleks Markovic, on why real estate appeals to her.

“Having that ability to always be interacting with clients every day, getting to know different people, and that satisfaction when you do close a sale or give a good customer service experience.”

Aleks started in real estate six years ago in her hometown of Perth, before relocating to Western Sydney a few months ago.

She credits her heightened profile through Married At First Sight as being instrumental in finding work in Sydney.

“Without my status on MAFS and people knowing who I am, I don’t think I would have been able to make a move to Sydney quite as easily in real estate,” she concedes.

Although COVID-19 made remote job interviews the norm, she still felt her TV work was a shortcut to scoring her job.

“People had that sense of knowing me because they saw my personality on TV, and then, through Skype calls and things like that,” Aleks reasons.

“I think the move was so much easier, and I did get a job prior to even hopping on a plane to Sydney.

“That was really lucky, and I think that was definitely because of the show.

“It made it easier for people to establish what kind of person I was, and who they wanted to hire.”

Aleks used her swelling Instagram following to crowdsource opportunities.

“I put up on my social media that I was looking for a job in Sydney, and, bang, bang, bang, all these people messaged me,” she explains, still sounding shocked.

“I was even suburb-specific.

“I wanted to live in the western suburbs, a bunch of people messaged me, and one of them turned out to be one of my colleagues who I work with now.

“I couldn’t have asked for a better team to work with in Sydney. I’ve hit the jackpot.”

Although Aleks modestly claims “everything was handed to me”, it’s clear her ambition and ability are key to her quick success in Sydney.

She admits she is still finding her feet in terms of suburbs in her area, but has already laid the groundwork for her next move.

“Real estate is definitely the bread and butter of my life,” Aleks explains.

“I’ll hopefully build my own brand and start branching out to sell in one of the areas here.

“I’ve already spoken to my licensee about that, and she’s keen to get the ball rolling towards the end of the year and put me in my own area.”

Look out for other agents in our agents x reality TV series and find out what they got out of it and how the experience changed them for better or worse.

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