Celebrity Homes

Carmelo and La La Anthony sell Spanish mansion

The Beverly Grove neighbourhood of Los Angeles is abuzz with news of the recent sale of the cozy Spanish-style home that once belonged to exes Carmelo and La La Anthony.

The 1929-build was on the market for just about a month before it found a buyer, and it’s possible there may have been a bidding war for the property.

The former couple was able to secure $3 million for the historic home, which is $400,000 over the $2.6 million February listing price and $700,000 more than their purchase price back in 2010, according to Architectural Digest.

Hidden behind mature hedges, the single-storey abode has three bedrooms and three bathrooms in about 185sq m and sits on about 603 sq m of land.

Despite being almost 100 years old, the home’s interiors reflect a contemporary sensibility with historic elements like its high wood beamed ceilings retained.

Dark wood floors can be found throughout the home and contrast beautifully with the white, gray, and beige walls that brighten rooms.

Highlights of the interiors also include a fireplace in the living room; a contemporary primary bedroom with doors that lead to the backyard pool; a gorgeous dark wood boutique-style walk-in closet, and an ensuite spa-like primary bathroom with double vanities, separate shower and tub, and a large picture window with generous views of the outdoors.

Out back, a plunge pool and spa are surrounded by a small doorless pool house with a dining and lounging set up, and a wooden platform with wicker lounge chairs.

Around the corner are more dining and lounging options.

After the couple filed for divorce in 2021, La La bought a house in her native Brooklyn, which she shared with AD.

“I live in New York, which is a crazy city…when I go home, I want to have that moment where I can just exhale and feel relaxed and comfortable,” the Power actress told the magazine about her new space designed by Nikki Chu.

Carmelo’s luxury Chelsea condo, which underwent extensive upgrades last year after a failed attempt to sell in 2020, is still on the market for $12.5 million.

The sale of the Beverly Grove home represents a significant return on investment for the former couple, and it’s likely that the new owner will enjoy the home’s stylish and comfortable interiors, as well as its convenient location in one of Los Angeles’ most desirable neighbourhoods.

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