Celebrity Homes

Cathy Freeman’s former home hits the market

Cathy Freeman’s former home in Kew, where the athlete lived when she won Olympic gold at the 2000 Sydney games, has hit the market with a listing price of $3.8 million to $4.1 million.

The sale was first reported by the Herald Sun.

The property, located at 30 Yarravale Rd, was sold by Freeman in 2006 for $1.75 million and subsequently sold again for $3,525,000.

The five-bedroom house on a 1034sq m allotment features a pool and a Scandinavian sauna and is located near walking and cycling trails as well as local golf courses.

Listing agent Sophie Su of Kay & Burton told the Herald Sun that the home possessed resort-like qualities.

“It has a good orientation, it has a beautiful swimming pool and it is quite private,” Ms Su said.

“And home has good feng shui. The backyard is like a resort.”

Picture: Kay & Burton

Its location near top schools was also likely to be a draw card, she added.

Freeman is a former Australian sprinter who is regarded as one of the country’s greatest athletes of all time.

Picture: Kay & Burton

She won multiple world championships and an Olympic gold medal in the 400m at the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, which made her a national icon.

Beyond her athletic achievements, Freeman has also been recognised for her work as an advocate for Indigenous Australians and a philanthropist for various causes.

The property goes under the hammer on March 11 at 11.30am.

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