We Are Real Estate

Chari Emirzade: Pick up the phone

As the top lister and seller at Barry Plant for three years in a row, Geelong agent Chari Emirzade has a simple recipe for success

On getting into real estate
I tried a few different roles. I tried being a plasterer and was terrible at that. Then I tried being a handyman and that was too hard. Then I tried sales at Godfreys (selling vacuum cleaners) – and I quickly worked out I was good at selling, so it was a natural progression to real estate. 

The happiest moment in my career
Winning top lister and seller within our whole group three years in a row (out of more than 400 agents).

The most memorable moment
It was a few years ago for a family who had a terminally ill child and they needed to sell their property to fund his treatment.

Not only did we sell it for a great price, we did it all for free. I couldn’t bear to think of charging them anything. I still think about them all the time. Best of all, he is responding to treatment and doing well so far. Money can’t buy health! 

Best advice he’s received
PICK UP THE PHONE! It’s what got me where I am today.

Biggest challenge
Technology is moving at such a fast pace – there are so many different platforms of social media to promote yourself. I can’t keep up. We need training sessions on social media, how it works and what we can do to be at the forefront.

Change for good?
A stronger governing body. Too many overnight agents giving us a bad name.

‘Elite’ agent means
An agent who is driven to exceed their client’s needs. Money isn’t a driver to me, but their happiness means the world to me.

#WeAreRealEstate is a series of short interviews with 140 agents all over Australia exploring the industry’s hopes, concerns, future challenges, and what it really means to be an Elite Agent.

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