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Transform 2017 Week 9A Colin Anstie: Grow Your Real Estate Business Using Social Media

Here are the highlights from our Super Six session with Raging Digital's CEO, Colin Anstie

Coach: Colin Anstie

Key Points

  • 3 key elements to keep up-to-date on your Facebook Page: cover photo, profile picture and the ‘About Me’ section
  • Focusing on the humans behind the brand in your content creation
  • Using Facebook Live for open homes and auctions; Facebook Marketplace for prospecting to independent sellers.

Video Notes/Transcript

Today is really just brutally and bluntly showing you what I feel you should be doing or I recommend you do to get results. What I mean by results is straight up sales, straight up listings, viewership through Open Homes, with a very keen eye on making it as cheap or as free as possible to get you those results.

Number one, I really want to get into Facebook. Look, like it or love it, there’s just over 6,000 platforms on the planet right now in social media, Facebook is number one. 1.3 billion people on it, and look, it’s really one you need to get good with, get handy with, and get focused with.

There’s only really three major things you need to do. Number one is that cover photo, which Wiseberry’s actually put up a themed current photo that they seem to change quite often saying, “Happy Easter,” with the nice branding there.

[Number two.] You’ve got the little red profile photo, which is your logo, and I do recommend a logo there.

Number three is the ‘About’ section, which gives phone numbers, which gives website addresses, gives your opening hours and that kind of thing. Just make sure that’s updated.

The reason this one stood out to me the most is [because] there’s actually a large number of reviews. I think we’ve got 40 or 50 reviews on here. Facebook reviews will really help this get ranked in Google and really help when someone types in ‘real estate’ to make sure this Facebook page gets found.

The gold in social media is all about content. This is where you really want to be. Colin Anstie

The gold in social media is all about content. This is where you really want to be. I love this post here, and the reason I’ve pulled this one out is it’s a beautiful example of content, and I’m going to talk to you exactly about which content works best right now.

This is a “Sold” statement, but the reason this one stands out is because it says here, “…the most beautiful couple. We got them $40,000 above what they wanted to achieve, and they celebrated by buying a new car.” Beautiful picture with the agent, with the car, with the house, with the sold sign. This is social media gold, a really nice post.

The real reason for this, instead of just being a sold listing, I really see this as a success story of a couple, a life, and that emotional engagement. I found some really nice examples of that.

At the moment, this post has got seven likes. You can see right down on the bottom. If you click on that seven, that number seven, it actually brings up this box and you can invite each and every one of those people to like your page, and you’ll grow your likes really quickly by doing that.

Look, another one I really appreciated was a post from Wiseberry. I thought this was a beautiful piece, a team shot. Being awarded Australia’s best real estate agent. I thought this was a really nice piece and focused a lot more on the people or the individuals or the humans behind the brand.

This kind of thing is really starting to bring out your personal brand. I know you’ve had quite a few sessions around your personal brand and how you’re perceived, and this is very much the case on social media as well.

Just three things from me. Facebook Live, completely free. Number two, it’ll get pushed out to every one of your likes, so every single one will get notified saying, “Leanne is live now.” Number three, it definitely stores on your Facebook profile as well so it’ll stay there. It doesn’t just disappear once you finish filming it. It’ll be available. I know I said there’s three, but number four is very few people are doing it. It’s an amazing opportunity to get out there.

Up on the screen, Holly Komorowski, who I work with in Canberra, at every open home she gets there five minutes early and does a guided walkthrough. She commentates and talks about the tiles on the bathroom floor. She talks about the light fittings. She talks about the renovation in the bathroom. She talks about the pool and the last time it was fixed.

If you’ve got a quiet open home or you get there a bit early because it’s always looking perfect in an open home, actually doing that guided walkthrough is a great idea. It’s a beautiful way for them to get to know both you and also the home, to get that personal view. It’ll never emulate that experience of being in the home and the true feel of it, but it’s getting very close.

Doing these Facebook Live at the end of a home open might be marginally better just because if someone was going to come to the home open and they see the live stream they’re like, “Oh, I don’t need to go,” whereas you definitely still want to see them, right? 

They’re completely free, completely available, and I’ve seen some phenomenal results from doing these.

I’ve seen varied results on this. It’s actually live stream of an auction. 

The only issues I’ve ever seen is when buyers don’t want to be identified. A video of the auctioneer I think are a great piece, to both be selling the auction service, the home, the excitement. It’s just a good human interest story, to be honest. I’ve seen them go very well.

I just want to touch on one final point on Facebook. Now there’s a brand new product called Facebook Marketplace.

I would recommend all of you go and look at those Marketplace listings and I would contact 100% of those sellers because 99% of them are owners selling properties (so privately selling it themselves).

Contact them and say, “Look, if you’d like a professional job or like it done nicely …” because often the photos are there with the mum and the dad and the dog on the couch and there’s cigarette butts on the table and that kind of thing. They are really doing themselves out of a great sale.

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