Celebrity Homes

Cotton On owners to take tropical haven to auction

Co-owners of the renowned Australian retail giant Cotton On are bidding farewell to their tropical haven on the edge of the Great Barrier Reef.

Melbourne-based vendors Ashley and Samantha Hardwick have cherished the waterfront estate as their ‘family home away from home’ since purchasing the property in 2021 for $8 million, according to realestate.com.au.

Nestled in the coastal enclave of South Mission Beach, this exquisite property, replete with designer furnishings, is set to go under the hammer next month.

Listing agent Barbara Wolveridge of Sotheby’s Tropical North Queensland shared with Mansion Global that the luxurious residence is expected to fetch a high price.

“Beachfront properties of this calibre command well over $10 million,” she noted.

Cotton On Co-owners Ashley and Samantha Hardwick are selling their seaside mansion. Photo: Sotheby’s International Realty Queensland

The glamorous villa features five bedrooms, five bathrooms, and parking for up to 12 cars, accommodating up to 16 people. It also has helicopter access.

“Villa BE promises the exclusivity of your own island with the convenience of easy access to essential amenities and infrastructure,” Ms Wolveridge said.

“The Great Barrier Reef and the Wet Tropics rainforest are on your doorstep, providing easy access to two World Heritage wonders.”

Situated 150km south of Cairns in an exclusive gated community, the property spans 1.3ha of manicured grounds and offers 175m of private beachfront.

“There are only a handful of Australian properties that offer north-facing beach views and even fewer with immediate, private beachfront access to the north,” Ashley Hardwick told Mansion Global.

“When we found it, it was unlike anything we had ever seen.”

The property also features private access to secluded beaches and the popular Kennedy Trail walking track.

In 2021, the Hardwicks sold their St Kilda West residence in Melbourne’s inner south for around $8 million to $8.8 million, a property they had purchased in 2006.

The Cotton On Group operates retail brands including Cotton On, Cotton On Kids, Cotton On Body, Rubi Shoes, Typo, Factorie, and Supre.

The first store opened in 1991, and there are now more than 1800 stores across 18 countries.

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