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COVID-19 Safety Plans now mandatory for NSW open homes and auctions

Legislation that came into effect over the weekend means that COVID-19 Safety Plans are now mandatory for all open homes and auctions across New South Wales.

Agents are now required to complete a plan for all open homes and auctions, and to keep it on the agency’s premises, either as a digital or printed copy, to present it for inspection by Fair Trading or other authorised health officers.

Although NSW Fair Trading will be conducting inspections this week, they assure agents that these “will focus on providing further education about these requirements” in order to “allow time for property professionals to adjust and develop their COVID Safety Plans”.

From this coming Saturday, 26 September, however, Fair Trading inspections will focus on compliance and enforcement of the public health order.

Agents who do not have an active COVID-19 Safety Plan, as well as the paperwork (digital or physical) ready for display to Fair Trading officials will face a fine of up to $5000.

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