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DiJONES Drought Drive set to support regional communities

More than 100 people from DiJONES will convoy from Sydney through 14 regional NSW towns in the lead up to Christmas in support of drought-affected businesses and communities.

Regional NSW is enduring the worst drought in 116 years, with the knock-on impacts of the agricultural sector’s hardship also rippling through regional towns where water supplies are dwindling, paddocks remain scorched and businesses struggle. 

With more than 30 vehicles already signed up, the three-day event starting on Sunday 8 December will travel as far west as Nyngan, covering more than 3,000 kilometers through some of the worst affected towns. 

DiJONES CEO Rob Ward said these towns and communities were feeling the pinch of the drought. 

“We’ve been hearing stories about NSW farmers battling a record-breaking drought and the suffering of small businesses that service these regions, Mr Ward said. 

“Instead of sending hampers purchased from Pitt Street in Sydney, we decided to convoy our team through regional NSW to shop, eat and spend locally in businesses that are struggling in the midst of the drought. 

“Our DiJONES Drought Drive team will refuel, eat, stay in family-owned motels and, importantly, spend up big ticking off their Christmas shopping wish-list, injecting much-needed cash into communities. 

“Whilst vising and working on farms, our team will witness firsthand the devastating impact of drought on towns, communities and farmers.” 

DiJONES will create a publicly available regional business e-catalogue, where businesses in and surrounding the 14 regional towns are encouraged to submit information on their business to be listed. 

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