Embracing change and remaining relevant: Suzannah Toop

“He just looked at me, and I’ll never forget it. He simply said: ‘Well, you know the intermediary is dead, right?’”

A few years ago, second-generation real estate professional Suzannah Toop was lucky enough to enjoy a coffee with Google Australia Head of Engineering, Alan Noble.

When she asked him about the role of real estate in the future, his response struck a chord.

But this conversation, in recent times ways, has been a driver for the company.

Mention the name Toop & Toop to anyone in real estate and the word ‘innovation’ immediately springs to mind. 

And they have been recognised for it numerous times – the  Adelaide agency has been inducted into the REIA Hall of Fame four times – an amazing achievement in anyone’s language. 

In this podcast, Elite Agent Magazine’s May Cover, and CEO Suzannah Toop shares an insight into a 35-year-old brand and why a cutting edge approach continues to be at the heart of everything they do.

In this episode we discuss

  • What attracts and keeps people at  Toop&Toop
  • Why the company focuses so heavily on wellness – including an in house creche, fitness centre and more
  • How they eliminated 77 per cent of their emails in the property management team while improving staff morale
  • Why Toop&Toop believe the role of the agent must be much more than simply an intermediary between two parties; and what needs to happen to remain relevant
  • Other trends Suzannah sees moving forward and how Toop&Toop are pivoting to adapt to COVID-19 challenges…

plus much more…

Connect with Suzannah:


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Samantha McLean

Samantha McLean is the Co-founder and Managing Editor of Elite Agent, Australia's trusted platform for real estate news, insights, and community connection. With over 20 years in sales and marketing across respected global companies, Samantha brings practical expertise and thoughtful leadership to the industry. Since founding Elite Agent, Samantha has grown the brand from a magazine into a dynamic media hub that includes the Elevate podcast, daily newsletters, and engaging industry events. Her approachable style and genuine curiosity have earned Elite Agent recognition, including multiple Mumbrella awards for excellence. Samantha is passionate about exploring how technology, especially artificial intelligence, can improve productivity and client relationships without losing the essential human touch. She regularly discusses these topics with industry experts on the Elevate podcast. She holds a Bachelor of Business from the University of Technology Sydney. Connect with Samantha at Elite Agent or aipoweredagents.com or visit her personal website samanthamclean.com.