Episode 36: How to Master the Real Estate Digital Space with Steve Carroll, REA Group

Guest Interview: Samantha McLean discusses real estate’s digital space with special guest Steve Carroll, Head of Industry Relations of REA Group.

‘Elevate’ is the official podcast of Elite Agent Magazine for real estate industry sales professionals, property managers, and leaders. Each episode, we will bring you behind the scenes coaching, news analysis, exclusive interviews, technology, and more to help you list more, sell more, and elevate your results.

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Episode host: Samantha McLean
Special guest: Steve Carroll


04:00 “If you post to your 1000 connections, less than 3 per cent will be reached if you rely on organic search or organic reach.” Agents will need to allocate a budget to Facebook to effectively connect in their marketing.
05:00 Introducing social media vendor-paid advertising/marketing into your plan
06:00 Using personal Facebook profile VS a Facebook business page
07:00 If your paid Facebook posts do not receive engagement, Facebook will force a limit on its reach.
08:00 Henry Ruiz from REA Group says social is not about self-promotion; it’s about connection.
09:00 Instead of “I’ve just listed a property in ‘x’ suburb”, write what’s great about living in ‘x’ suburb (restaurants, schools, landmarks, etc), then link your listings for ‘x’ suburb in the post.
10:30 Facebook is always changing; agents should focus on building their own CRM/database because they have control of it (as opposed to Facebook).
11:00 The ‘personalisation trend’, ask yourself: “How can I offer personalised service to my sellers/buyers/landlords?”
13:15 LinkedIn’s features, keeping your profile updated and why it is an effective tool for real estate agents
15:00 LinkedIn’s ProFinder ability to search for professionals with a specific title; prospecting digitally.
16:00 Look at what you have in common with your prospects to form connections e.g. working in the same suburb.
17:00 “Building a professional relationship on LinkedIn is like dating someone.” Don’t rush in and sell first. Build rapport and make a connection slowly and steadily.
17:30 About Digital Live 2017 and its contribution to The Smith Family.  Information about Digital Live 2018 here
19:00 Be consistent, look for testimonials and provide value in your content on your social media platforms
20:30 “67 per cent of opinions are formed by what people find out about you online.” (Harvard Business Review)
21:00 Having curiosity, resilience to change and ’embracing the weird’ are key to succeeding in the digital space.
24:20 What Steve will be talking about at Metro Momentum 2018 and at AREC 2018

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