Erin Hosier has been appointed as State Director for Queensland with RealtyAssist, coming to the role with extensive sales, marketing and training experience.
Ms Hosier said in her first six to 12 months in the role, she would look to build relationships with the real estate lending product provider’s existing and prospective customers.
“I really want to make sure that everyone in Queensland that should know about us, whether that be through me or through our team, knows about us and are getting a really good, seamless service,” she said.
Ms Hosier comes to RealtyAssist with almost 20 years’ experience with some of real estate’s biggest platforms, including eight years with REA Group.
She said her varied sales, training and marketing experience in the real estate sector meant she understood the unique benefits and challenges real estate agents faced.
“I’ve seen it (real estate) from different angles and I come at it from different sides, not just one,” Ms Hosier said.
“My first goal is to get in front of the customers and make sure they know who they need to speak to and if they want to reach out they have the right details to do that.
“So I want to build relationships with those I don’t yet have relationships with and revisit the ones I do already have a relationship with.”
Ms Hosier also explained that a key part of her first year in the role would be to educate clients about the full range of benefits RealtyAssist’s products offer.
“I think with most products that you have, there is a misconception around what it does or they (clients) are not using it to its full extent,” she said.
“One of the things we offer as a product is the option for a vendor to defer their payment (for vendor paid advertising).
“However, one of the big things I feel is that customers are going to use that only if their vendor asks to defer the payment.
“As opposed to us actually having a full invoicing system that they can use that protects their payments, protects their payment details, gets them instant payments on the spot and actually frees up cashflow.
“So whether a customer wants to defer or not, the invoicing system, which is free to use, can actually help them on the financial side of their business.”
Ms Hosier said she was excited about the year ahead in her new role.
“If I get to the end of the next 12 months and the customers that sit under Queensland really understand what we do and the benefits then I would be really happy.”