Celebrity Homes

Estate elegance: Gucci’s Rome villas weave luxury and legacy

In a significant development in the luxury real estate sector, two prestigious properties in Rome, owned by the renowned Gucci family, are now on the market.

With a price tag of US$16.45 million, the estates represent a rare blend of opulence and historical significance, according to the New York Post.

The properties, positioned in a prime location near the heart of Rome, offer a unique combination of extensive outdoor space and panoramic views of the city, including the iconic Victor Emmanuel II National Monument.

This exceptional offering was highlighted by listing agent Chiara Gennarelli of Forbes Global Properties, who emphasised the rarity of such features in central Rome.

“From the rooftop, you can see all of Rome, even the altar of the homeland,” she said, referring to the famed Victor Emmanuel II National Monument near the Colosseum.

The main estate, constructed in the late 1940s by Aldo Gucci, the patriarch of the Gucci family, showcases a fusion of English and Tuscan architectural styles.

Completed in 1951, this residence initially housed Aldo Gucci, his children, and their spouses.

Over time, as the family expanded, the children relocated, but the estate, fondly referred to as the “Family House,” remained a central hub for festive gatherings.

In the 1960s, Aldo Gucci built a second villa on the premises for one of his sons, which is also included in the sale.

This villa, however, is in need of renovation.

Both properties have been under the Gucci family’s ownership for decades.

The heirs are now seeking a buyer to rejuvenate and enhance the value of the distinguished homes.

Key features of these villas include gated privacy, an abundance of parkland, and a swimming pool.

The sale of these properties presents a rare opportunity to own a piece of history associated with one of the world’s most famous fashion dynasties.

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