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Every Agent Has a Story: Marcel Dybner

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This story comes from Marcel Dybner, Head of Property Management at Besser and Co, who shares the key lessons he learned during one of his first listings as a BDM.

  • Have a procedure in place in case your buyer or leasee goes AWOL or has an accident/illness
  • Put your health and safety first before chasing and/or closing a deal

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Hi, my name’s Marcel Dybner from Besser & Co. Estate Agents and this is my story.

It was a few years ago now and it was one of my first listings as a business development manager.

I had this property that I was referred into, it’d been on the market for some time. So we came in and after a couple of weeks of having nobody through, we finally found someone who was interested in taking on the lease.

We’d approved the person, checked all their references and then when it came time for them to come into the office, they just vanished, they disappeared and we could not get a hold of them for anything.

Multiple phone messages left, they just disappeared. I’d been bragging to everyone that I got this property away and my ego was a bit shattered.

About two weeks later of not having anybody through the property, I get a phone call from this lady who tells me that she’s been in hospital.

I’m like, ‘Thank God, no problems, I’m glad you’re okay,’ and I jumped in my car and drove straight to the hospital to get the paperwork signed.

As I walk through the hospital, I run into her room, I’ve got everything ready, we sign the paperwork, she exchanges the money, we high five, we hug it out, and just before I’m leaving she asks me if I’ve been immunised as a child, to which I wasn’t sure but I assumed I did but I wasn’t too sure.

She told me that the reason she was actually in hospital was because that she hadn’t been immunised and her throat actually closed up, swelled up, and she couldn’t breathe, and that if I see these types of symptoms, I should probably rush myself to hospital.

So I nervously turned around and walked out of the hospital, kinda start feeling my throat closing up in the paranoid state that I was in.

I got on the phone to my mum and asked her if I’d been immunised, she gave me the thumbs up that I had, and life was all good.

I’d probably recommend, if you are chasing a deal that hard, put yourself first and find out why they’re in hospital before rushing through to the hospital to sign up that paperwork.

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