Family and Community the winning combination for Kris Cunningham

NZ Winner Announced for Josh Phegan's Changed Agent Award in NZ

The Josh Phegan team held their annual Blue-print conference in Queenstown at the base of the stunning Remarkables on Tuesday the 12th and Wednesday the 13th of September 2017. At the event, four incredible finalists from across New Zealand were invited to share their story of triumphs from humble beginnings in the annual Changed Agent Awards proudly supported by PropertyPress.

The Changed Agent Awards are designed for Agents to be inspired and reach their potential, according to Mr Phegan. “This year’s [NZ] field was incredible, we had four finalists, who shared their amazing stories, of how they’ve broken into the real estate industry and achieved incredible feats in personal and business growth.”

There were four finalists, selected from a field of over 30 applications. They were invited to speak for 15 minutes at the Blue-Print conference in front of over 100 people. The audience then voted in a private ballot, on who they believed had achieved the most growth.

This years’ finalists included:

  • Kris Cunningham – Harcourts Cooper & Co
  • Blair Haddow – Bayleys
  • Sharon Kenny – Barfoot & Thompson
  • Travers Smyth – Barfoot & Thompson

After audience vote, Kris Cunningham was crowned the winner. “Kris had an incredibly inspiring story and demonstrated tenacity to stick it out and make it happen. He spoke passionately about his support of local community and sporting groups, and how those genuine connections have seen him grow a 7 figure business. It’s so refreshing and unique to see an agent who works so hard to get the balance right, in being a great husband, father and role model, by being hungry and humble. His focus around systems, working relationships and getting himself right first, has allowed his business to scale. If I had to summarise Kris’s success, it boils down to sticking to a plan, constantly learning, focusing on listing and using new technologies including social media to increase your profile by connecting with your marketplace.” Said Mr Phegan.

As with the Australian Changed Agent Award, the winner of the award receives over $16,000 in cash and prizes, including a full day of coaching with Josh.

Josh Phegan now heads to London to speak at the EA Masters next week, before returning to the annual List Sell Negotiate Conference in Sydney on Tuesday October 31, featuring 15 of Australasia’s leading real estate agents. Tickets are available at

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