Feature Interview: Ivan Bresic with Claudio Encina

‪#‎AREC2016‬ on the couch…. Our ‪#‎askthecoach‬ regular Claudio Encina talks to Ivan Bresic about the growing changes in real estate, managing the agent database and establishing yourself as an ‘attraction agent’.



Claudio: We have the pleasure of having Ivan Bresic today who shared some of his wonderful knowledge. He has 120 staff, 4 offices, one of the youngest agents that I know when he started as a principal. Tell me what one piece of, I suppose, thing that you would want the audience to take away from your keynote today, Ivan.

Ivan: It’s hard, one thing. I spoke about three parts of the journey, the technical journey, the emotional, the mental part of it and I also spoke about the commitment. They’re all just as important as each other, Claudio.

Claudio: Where do you see real estate in the next five years and how can we see ourselves adapting to those changes?

Ivan: Yeah, there’s going to be a lot, it’s changing right now, the world’s changing, the industry’s changing. The biggest changes I see, mate, is agent’s database is going to become even more important, how agents nurture that database but most importantly, the speed and the frequency of communication with agents and their database is going to become paramount.

Claudio: I remember you saying, like in your keynote, you said that’s when you become the profile agent, people come to you, be like what Tom Panos says, the attraction agent, right?

Ivan: Attraction agent, and once you get to that stage, it’s great but you know what? You can lose profile in six months. Ten years ago if you had profile, you could take a break for two months, you’d still get phone calls. As a profile agent or attraction agent in today’s world, mate, if you’re not on the front fort and making those calls and not staying in touch with your database, you can lose profile just like that.

Claudio: Ivan, when your real estate career is over, what would you like people to remember you by?

Ivan: Good question. I’d probably just love them to think that we created an organisation, mate, where people could come, we had a strong culture and that we helped people along the way in their respective real estate careers.

Claudio: Ivan, thanks for sharing.

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