Feature Interview: Ricky Cave & Jared Cooksley with Claudio Encina

‪#‎AREC2016‬ on the couch…. Our ‪#‎askthecoach‬ regular Claudio Encina talks to Ricky Cave and Jared Cooksley about data modeling, providing superior service and creating a working environment that leads to success.



Claudio: Welcome back to the Elite Magazine stand at AREC 2016 and we’ve got two high performers from New Zealand. We’ve got Ricky Cave and also we’ve got Jared Cooksley, who’s literally come off stage. If there’s one point or message that you would want the audience to take away from your presentation this morning, what would that be?

Jared: The main thing I want people to take away is to be able to define success for themselves. That was my take-away point.

Claudio: Ricky, you’re on stage tomorrow, maybe a bit of a sneak preview but what’s your main message that you want your audience to take away from your keynote tomorrow?

Jared: Five years ago for me the big earthquake struck Christchurch and completely obliterated the city so I was forced to sort of move cities, moved up to Auckland and start over again. Just to prove that you can start in a new market and completely start over again and do well and make a name for yourself.

Claudio: Jared, where are you seeing real estate over the next five years, because you know, you’re young, you’re 25, your dynamic and innovation is really coming through but where do you see real estate in the next five years?

Jared: I think it will definitely head the way towards like data modeling. You’re seeing it with clothes and ASOS at the moment, where if you buy that jacket and that pair of pants, you’re statistically most likely to buy that pair of shoes. I think that the people that have the best databases and the cleanest databases in the future will win.

Claudio: It’s funny, a few of the other great super achievers have sort of said the same thing, that trend about branding your profile, your database and seeing that trend. Interesting. What about yourself Ricky? Where are you seeing real estate go in the next five years?

Ricky: For me, in five years I’ll still be doing exactly the same thing that I’m doing now and it’s just working hard and providing a really good service and getting great results.

Claudio: Jared, when your real estate career is over, how would you like people to remember you?

Jared: What I mentioned in my talk was creating that environment that’s conducive to success, so I think if I could leave that environment for other people to benefit from, I think that would be the best thing ever.

Claudio: Ricky, for you, you know, [say] you’re leaving real estate, how would you like to be remembered?

Ricky: For me, if it was anything it would be to inspire the younger generation to get into real estate.

Claudio: Gentlemen, thanks for spending the afternoon with us and sharing your insights.

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