Feature Interview: Zali Reynolds with Claudio Encina

‪#‎AREC2016‬ on the couch…. Our ‪#‎askthecoach‬ regular Claudio Encina talks to Zali Reynolds about real estate’s accessibility to anyone and everyone who stays committed, as well as personal branding.


Claudio: Here we are at AREC 2016 in the Elite Agent magazine and we are meeting some super achievers. Today one of our guests is Zali Reynolds and she’s from Marshall White, down in Melbourne. Zali, thanks for joining us.

Zali: No problem.

Claudio: Fantastic. First thing I want to ask you is, with your keynote, what’s one thing that you would like the audience to take away from your presentation?

Zali: I really want everybody to take away that anybody can do real estate. Anybody can achieve as long as they’re committed, they work hard and they’ve got a passion for what they do. You don’t have to have a qualification, you don’t have to be super intelligent. It’s just a business that is open to anybody and anybody can do it.

Claudio: With real estate changing so much, where do you see real estate in the next five years?

Zali: I think we’re in a really interesting time and I think what’s going to become really important in the next five years is your brand, so your personal brand. Not necessarily the big brands, as time goes on. We’ve always seen big brand name agencies and I think as time goes on it’s going to be more personal and you’re going to have to make a brand for yourself in your marketplace and be able to connect with your audience or your clients a lot more intimately to make sure that you have relevance, not only in their real estate life but in their normal lives too.

Claudio: Yeah, makes a lot of sense Zali, because we are seeing that brand and profile is a common theme from a couple of speakers that we’ve already seen this morning. That’s how you’ve got to position yourself in this marketplace.

Zali: Absolutely.

Claudio: All right, here’s a question for you. Once you leave real estate in your career, what would you like people to most remember you by?

Zali: I really want to be remembered for giving back to, not only real estate, but back to the community. Real estate has given me the most amazing life that I could never, ever have dreamed that I’d live, and I just want to make sure that I can pay it forward.

Claudio: Zali, thanks so much for joining us.

Zali: You’re welcome.

Claudio: Good luck tomorrow with your keynote.

Zali: Thanks, Claudio.

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