We Are Real Estate

Fiona Short: Customer service is key

If there’s one lesson to be learned in PM, Ray White Dalkeith Claremont’s Fiona Short says it’s that today’s tenant is tomorrow’s landlord

On getting into real estate
Living in Busselton, which was a small seaside community at the time, there were many real estate agencies as it was the destination that everyone wanted a holiday home in at that time. It was something I thought I needed to be involved in.

The happiest moment in my career
A nomination several years in a row for Property Manager of the Year from both the REIWA and my former agency. Also receiving an abundance of great testimonials from clients proves that my hard work really pays off.

The most memorable moment
A property in Busselton (many years ago), on the canals which at the time received the highest rent in that area in that year.

Best advice she’s received
Treat everyone the same, offer great customer service and you will have return clients. A tenant one day is a landlord the next! 

Biggest challenge
Tenants having more rights over landlords. More knowledge and education to tenants, landlords and property managers.

Change for good?
More education and product knowledge to all staff from admin, PM, sales, directors and principals. Also, greater customer service.

‘Elite’ agent means
A person who listens, offers honest advice, who communicates and who actually cares.

#WeAreRealEstate is a series of short interviews with 140 agents all over Australia exploring the industry’s hopes, concerns, future challenges, and what it really means to be an Elite Agent.

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