First National does it for the kids

As Australia’s only 24/7 free and confidential counselling service for young people, Kids Helpline has responded to more than 8 million contacts over the past 28 years and this year First National is lending a hand.

“Every 90 seconds, someone’s son or daughter, grandchild, niece, nephew, neighbour or friend gets in contact with Kids Helpline via its free call number or web chat service. With First National Real Estate’s support, Kids Helpline will become more powerful and better known across Australia,” said First National Foundation chairman, David Lovell.

In the announcement, Lovell also noted how well the organisation’s aims aligned greatly with the importance that First National places on the well-being of the community stating,

“By supporting Kids Helpline and working to raise awareness of the excellent support it provides young Australians, First National Real Estate is helping secure this important counselling resource and we are certain this will have a positive impact on the families we serve on a daily basis.”

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