Entry Education has broken new ground with the creation of an innovative job search website designed by property professionals for property professionals.
With Real Estate Careers, Entry Education has built a web-based platform that’s tailored to meet the industry-specific needs of job seekers and agencies alike. And it’s all at no cost for real estate professionals at either end.
Within a couple of weeks of going live, the job search website is already getting rave reviews from some of Australia’s biggest real estate companies.
Over 1000 jobs have been posted and several hundred candidates have registered on the site.
Entry Education explained the job search website, found at realestatecareers.jobs, is different from other job boards.
First and foremost, it’s built with a laser focus on real estate recruitment.
“While other employment websites include real estate jobs among a grab bag of different roles for various industries, Real Estate Careers is solely about real estate,” they said.
In addition, the job search website is completely free.
While other job boards charge hundreds of dollars for each listing, Entry’s real estate employment website is free of charge for both job seekers and agencies looking to hire.
“A lot of our client real estate agencies have vacancies they’re finding hard to fill with qualified candidates,” Entry Group co-founder Ryan Keys said.
“They’re paying big bucks to recruiters and job boards, but very often end up without a lot to show for all that money spent.”
That’s the problem Real Estate Careers was created to solve.
Entry Group is the parent company of Entry Education and they know every detail of the real estate industry.
Their reputation was established with Entry Education, a real estate training institute that made a name for itself providing the best real estate courses in Australia.
Building on that success, they branched out into mortgage broking, conveyancing and recruitment.
This has generated a comprehensive suite of knowledge, skills and experience that leaves the Entry Group perfectly positioned to build a connective link between real estate employers and real estate talent.
Entry is renowned for its inclusive and collaborative workplace, as well as their human approach to real estate education.
Co-founder Mr Keys is one of the youngest CEOs of a registered training organisation in Australia, and he and his partner, Michael Dewar, have been knocking over business targets years earlier than planned.
Entry Education experienced exponential organic growth over the COVID-19 pandemic, and Real Estate Careers is challenging the same conventional business structures in recruiting.
For Mr Keys and Mr Dewar, it’s about having multiple sizes that can fit everybody, rather than having one size that’s meant to fit all their clients.
Listening is a large part of that success.
“We surveyed our real estate agency clients, asking about what sort of information they’d like to know about the people they’re thinking about hiring,” Mr Keys said.
“Then we created a questionnaire that was tailor-made to generate precisely this information, and built a digital platform that enables employers to match their needs with job seekers in our system.”
The Real Estate Careers’ platform allows candidates to update their online profiles as they progress through their training courses and careers.
This helps the Entry Group’s real estate agency clients to reach out and contact the right candidate for the right job. It also means there’s no middle person.
Real estate students and established professionals working in the industry can also subscribe for job alerts.
“Real Estate Careers is all about empowerment,” Mr Keys said.
“We’re empowering our agency clients with an effective tool that enables them to find the real estate talent they need to grow and thrive.
“And at the other end, we’re empowering individual job seekers with the ability to place their real estate credentials, experience and skill sets in front of potential agency employers. It’s about building a community that connects both sides of our business.
“Our initial success is already showing that the Entry Group is meeting a real need,” Mr Keys said.
“We’ve provided a free service that’s a value-add to both job seekers and agencies. And that’s good for all concerned.”
Property professionals at all levels can sign up for the Real Estate Careers here.
If you are real estate agency looking for candidates, email us at [email protected] and we will help you to get started on realestatecareers.jobs.