From Elton John to Gloria Gaynor: Tim McKibbin and Leanne Pilkington perform a mashup of the ’80s biggest hits

At the REINSW Awards on Friday night, REINSW President and CEO performed the ultimate mashup of 80’s hits, singing to the dance floor chart-toppers Don’t go breaking my heart, I will survive and YMCA.

But the two showed a lighter side to their challenging roles this year by changing the lyrics to a tongue in cheek look at difficulties agents have experienced in interpreting changing rules in the past 12 months.

They start off with “I will comply” (I will survive), transitioning into “Don’t go to Byron Bay…” (Don’t go breaking my heart) and finally move into “Can we go out of our own LGA” (YMCA).

The lyrics were written by speaker and comedian Jackie Loeb.

The reaction to the video has been positive with members leaving plenty of props for the two leaders in the comments.

“Absolutely sensational, totally loved this…”

“Great work fearless leaders…”

“This is the best. I absolutely love this. Brilliant. Well done. Leanne can sing! Sorry Tim…”

Ms Pilkington says that even though the awards needed to be held online again this year, there was a need to get creative with entertainment.

Rumours are circulating that Mr McKibbin was simply relieved he didn’t need to learn a dance routine this year.

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