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Gavin Rubinstein kicking goals at Ray White TRG

Ray White TRG founder Gavin Rubinstein has become the first agent to reach Chairman’s Elite status in the Ray White Australian residential network this financial year.

The accolade is considered the highest level of sales recognition at Ray White based on settled commission and Sydney-based Mr Rubinstein noted it was partly due a positive start to 2020.

“Stock is tight, particularly good stock but even with this in mind, doing the deal has its challenges as always,” Mr Rubinstein said.

“There’s no magic trick to getting these sales done, you just need to keep pushing in the vendors’ interests and trust the process at all times.”

Ray White Group Managing Director Dan White congratulated Mr Rubinstein on his consistent sales dominance.

“Gavin’s efforts over a sustained period of time place him as not only one of the finest performances in our group but as one of the most outstanding practitioners in our industry,” Mr White said. 

“His energy and relentlessness, combined with his negotiation instincts are a powerful combination.”

Mr Rubinstein established Ray White TRG in mid-2019 and said the Eastern Suburbs prestige property business had given him an “unbelievable new drive”.

“It’s like ground zero every day. It’s not like I wasn’t driven before but this is just a whole new level. As cliched as it sounds, I look forward to waking up and going to work every single day,” he said.

His challenge right now is recruiting agents of “TRG calibre with the right credentials”. 

“We are extremely selective about who we want working from this outfit and due to the industry’s low barrier for entry, this has been a challenge. But we are making good progress slowly,” he said.

“I have seriously enjoyed watching agents who have been working in my team previously now stake their own claim as independent agents under TRG and start to build their own team.

“Both Oliver Lavers and Cae Thomas have put on associates (Sebastian Fernandez and Bradley Plos) which has had a positive impact on their business. 

“Evan Williams has also joined forces with prospector extraordinaire Marcus Wise as associate.

“Essentially I am trying to help facilitate teams within the team in order to set up a business structure similar to what I found success in.”

Of TRG’s settled sales to date in 2019-20, the top sales include-10 Churchill Road, Rose Bay which sold for $13.4 million, and a penthouse in Conway Ave, Rose Bay for around $9 million, which was the highest price paid for a non-waterfront unit in the prestige suburb.

Mr Rubinstein also recorded his highest GCI month in November after a 10- year career span and despite only opening the new doors to TRG in September.

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