For years, real estate was largely considered an industry where, if you wanted to succeed, you flew solo. But in more recent times, some of the top-performing businesses have turned that model on its head and have not just succeeded, but soared, with a partnership model.
Ray White New Farm principals Haesley Cush and Matt Lancashire are a case in point.
The pair have been friends for more than 35 years and are at the top of their game in Brisbane as multi-office business owners leading 30 staff across seven businesses, where they have created a culture of high performance.
In this interview with Ray White Group Head of Performance, Tim Snell, Haesley and Matt explain what it takes to create a successful partnership that can stand the test of time.
The duo discuss why partnerships break down, how to manage the various responsibilities of running a business day-to-day and how to bring your team along for the journey.
If you’re a director or principal looking to grow your business, this interview will show you exactly what steps to take to get there.
“We prefer a partnership, because it’s better for our mental health, it’s better for our bottom line and it’s better for our fulfilment and growth.” – Haesley Cush
Tim, Haesley and Matt also discuss:
- Why you need to protect friendship ahead of the business to ensure your partnership doesn’t fail.
- Why you need to let go of ego to drive your business and relationships further.
- The importance of cultivating a high-performance culture to develop your business.
- How to lead effectively so that you bring your team along with you and teach them at the same time.
- The value training and support play in developing your team and culture, which ultimately drives your business forward.
- How to get your team to buy into training by categorising and teaching agents at different stages of their careers.
- Why a partnership allows you to bring a combination of intellectual property, time and energy to create a highly successful business.
- Why you should offer the ability to buy into a business, have a succession plan and add value to your team.