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Historic New England mansion sells for record $138 million

One of New England’s iconic residences, which once held the title of the most expensive home in the US, has been acquired for a staggering US$138.83 million.

The sale not only sets the record for the priciest residential property ever sold in Connecticut, but also ranks among the most extravagant home sales in the nation, according to TopTenRealEstateDeals.com.

Built in 1898, Copper Beech Farm boasts a luxurious 1255sq m main residence with eight bedrooms and bathrooms each.

The interior is elegantly adorned with oak panels, intricate plaster friezes, multiple fireplaces, and impressive 3.6m ceilings.

Situated on the most expansive waterfront land in Greenwich, the house is perched 12m above the average high tide level on its private 50-acre peninsula.

With nearly 1.6km of shoreline, the estate showcases an 549m driveway flanked by rows of trees and cobbled gutters.

The property’s expansive grounds include rolling lawns with panoramic views of Long Island Sound, a swimming pool, a grass tennis court, walled gardens, an apple orchard, and two secluded beaches.

Additional structures encompass a carriage house, gatehouse, pool house, and a pair of greenhouses.

The mansion’s first owner post-construction was George Lauder, cousin and financial consultant to the renowned Andrew Carnegie.

Following Lauder’s passing, ownership transitioned to his daughter, Harriet Lauder Greenway, and her spouse, Dr James Cowan Greenway.

In 1982, the estate changed hands, being acquired by timber magnate John Rudey from the Lauder lineage in a private transaction.

By 2013, Copper Beech Farm held the title of the US’s priciest listing at US$190 million and was subsequently sold to the Conservation Institute for US$120 million in 2014.

The recent acquisition has identified the new owner as hedge fund billionaire Ray Dalio.

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