Celebrity Homes

Hit TV setting of McLeod’s Daughters sells in SA

The Kingsford Homestead, renowned for its role as the setting for the TV drama McLeod’s Daughters, has recently changed hands.

The Ahrens family, after pouring $10 million into refurbishing the property, known on the hit TV show as Drover’s Run, has passed the baton to fund manager Salter Brothers.

This iconic South Australian estate, now known as the lavish Kingsford The Barossa, poised northeast of Gawler in the Barossa Valley, offers guests a blend of history and luxury.

It boasts 16 suites, a trio of bars, a restaurant, an extensive 21-meter wine cellar, a function space, an outdoor saltwater pool, and a Kegelbahn, a nod to traditional German indoor bowling, according to realcommercial.com.au.

Stefan Ahrens, who secured the property from media tycoon Kerry Packer in 2008, has described the project as a “labour of love.”

He and his wife Leanne took the property from a state of disrepair to a premier luxury retreat.

“For us, it is the right time and the right thing to do to pass on Kingsford, with all its history, to an organisation that can take it to the next level,” he said.

“The Salter Brothers have the capacity, the brands and the marketing power to spread the word globally about Kingsford – and the Barossa. Both will benefit and that is important to us.”

Mr Ahrens said the sale signified more than just a transaction; it’s a recognition of the effort and passion invested by many in restoring the homestead.

The Salter Brothers intend to enhance the retreat further, bringing their unique flair to the historic site, according to Managing Director Paul Salter.

Their aim is to expand the property, offering more visitors the chance to immerse themselves in the Barossa’s charm and legacy.

This purchase aligns with Salter Brothers’ recent $154 million acquisition of Adelaide’s Sofitel hotel, cementing their presence in the luxury hospitality sector.

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