Celebrity Homes

Home where Jeff Bezos started Amazon is on the market

The house where Jeff Bezos started Amazon, located in Bellevue near Lake Washington, is on the market for US$2.28 million.

This property is significant as the birthplace of Amazon, a company now valued at $1.61 trillion, according to the Daily Mail.

In the property’s modest garage, Bezos, then around 30, began shaping what would become a global powerhouse in 1994.

At the time, he was renting the house for $135,000, sharing it with his then-wife, MacKenzie Scott.

Since Bezos moved out, the house has been listed multiple times on Zillow.

It underwent a significant rebuild in 2001, according to Sea to Sky Realty’s Lin Shen and Mi Na Zhang.

The interior features an expansive great room and a well-appointed granite and maple kitchen, lit naturally by skylights.

The property also includes a sizeable fenced backyard with a deck and a hot tub.

Initially listed in February 2018 for nearly $1.5 million, the house showcases pale wood flooring and matching wooden décor.

Bezos, having married Scott in 1993, left a vice president role at a New York investment firm to start Amazon in the then one-bedroom home.

The Everything Store, a book chronicling Amazon’s history, notes the company’s humble beginnings in this garage before expanding.

In November, Bezos, now 60, shared a glimpse of the garage on Instagram while announcing his move to Miami with fiancée Lauren Sánchez.

The video, filmed by his adoptive father Miguel, highlighted Bezos’ early work setup, complete with an extension cord for a fax machine.

Bezos chose Seattle to start Amazon, drawn by the technical talent pool, spurred by Microsoft’s presence.

Amazon’s growth dramatically transformed Seattle’s South Lake Union district, leading to an economic boom and increased living costs.

Currently, Bezos resides in a US$79 million mansion in Florida’s Indian Creek Village, known as ‘Billionaire Bunker.’

This seven-bedroom property, previously owned by steel magnate Leroy Schecter, offers stunning views of Biscayne Bay and luxurious amenities.

Bezos, engaged to Sanchez, has been expanding his property portfolio, which now includes a recent $68 million purchase in the same gated community.

Indian Creek, with its high security and exclusive country club, is home to celebrities and business magnates. Bezos’ property investments reflect his expansive wealth, including properties in New York, Washington D.C., Beverly Hills, and West Texas. In addition to his real estate, Bezos owns the superyacht Koru, valued at $500 million, where he proposed to Sanchez.

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