Have you ever taken the time to read what is being sent to your prospects and clients from your CRM?
Now, consider those communications through the eyes of your recipients. Does the message stand out? Does the copy make you want to immediately reply or pick up the phone and call you? Or, does it seem like most canned communication – plain, polite and uninspiring?
Today, we rely heavily on templates to get standard messages out quickly and easily via our CRM. Whilst this is easy for us, how does it reflect on our business?
How can we achieve better responses with our email and SMS copy?
Emails with personalised subject lines are 26 per cent more likely to be opened. CRMs like Eagle give the ability to personalise your subject lines with any details from the contact or property.
A standout subject line will determine whether your email will be read and ultimately actioned.
For example, with updates to your listings, try and avoid the stock standard just listed, price reduction, auction and just sold subject lines. Instead of ‘just listed’, consider a subject line that says ‘(first name), could this be your forever home?’ Instead of ‘price reduction’, try, ‘I told you I’d get you a better price!’ Auction subject lines can become, ‘Bidding starts soon – don’t forget to register,’ while a ‘just sold’ can turn into, ‘Want to know what (insert address) sold for?’
Your subject line needs to stand out among the hundreds of emails your customers receive every day. Attention-grabbing subject lines will entice opens, which sets us up to get our full message across.
If your email and SMS message is primarily about you, consider changing the message to being more about the customer. Think about what is going to motivate them to pick up the phone and speak with you.
A classic in the industry is the offer of a ‘free market appraisal’. The problem with this messaging is that ‘free’ has no value. Speak to any potential vendor and they’ll tell you they know exactly what price they’d expect for their property.
A more engaging message could be, ‘When thinking of selling, there’s always something that needs to be done to the property. Let’s have a chat before you spend thousands of dollars on unnecessary renovations.’ Or, ‘Want to know what property features buyers are willing to pay a premium for? Call me to find out!’
This type of messaging is different, as it cuts to the heart of why potential sellers will want to speak with you. It’s about them and it conveys that you have the answers to their questions.
Long-winded messages rarely get read. No one has the time to read an essay.
A better option would be to hyperlink back to your blog, which could contain the full message. Furthermore, if the reader clicks, it shows interest and engagement. This can be tracked in your CRM and provides better insights into customers, helping with follow-up conversations.
Every office is different. Every agent is different. The real estate industry as a whole has very diverse markets.
The best templates cut through by focusing on how you are different.
An inner-city agent would communicate differently to a regional or rural agent. Commercial agents would use more a professional tone in their messaging, while residential agents could be more personable and light-hearted in their communications.
Take the time to review the email and SMS templates in your CRM, and change the messages to suit your marketplace. If your CRM allows it, update the subject lines and make the messages shorter. Include links back to your website for more information on properties, articles and resources.
It’s vital you assess your library of email and SMS templates so they are attention-grabbing, brief, relevant and, most importantly, resonate with the customers in your marketplace.