Celebrity Homes

Iconic ‘Sopranos’ house hits the market in Newark

Ever dream of living in Tony Soprano’s world? Now’s your chance.

A TV-famous house in Newark, featured in HBO’s The Sopranos, is up for sale.

Listed at US$579,000, in multiple episodes, the Essex County property starred as the home of Corrado John ‘Junior’ Soprano Jr, according to the New York Post.

An iconic house from The Sopranos is for sale. Photo: Judy Justin Photography LLC

A significant moment in season 6’s first episode, Members Only, involves Tony Soprano being shot by Uncle Junior, who suffers from dementia.

The show depicts the house on Watsessing Avenue in Belleville, but the real location is 380 Highland Ave in Newark’s Forest Hill section.

An iconic house from The Sopranos is for sale. Photo: Judy Justin Photography LLC

Another memorable scene has Tony digging up the yard, searching for cash that Junior falsely claimed was buried there, leading to a humorous exchange with a neighbour about moles.

Later, Junior, confuses and seeing Tony as an old enemy, shoots him, triggering surreal episodes featuring Tony’s alter ego, Kevin Finnerty.

An iconic house from The Sopranos is for sale. Photo: Judy Justin Photography LLC

The house, last sold in 2019 for US$420,000, is now back on the market.

Located near Branch Brook Park, the charming single-family home features four bedrooms, three full bathrooms, a partial bathroom, bright blue kitchen cabinets, and gleaming hardwood floors.

An iconic house from The Sopranos is for sale. Photo: Judy Justin Photography LLC

Built in 1927, the centre-hall colonial sits on a corner lot, offering a two-car driveway, a two-car garage, and nearly 280sq m of living space.

Inside, there’s an updated kitchen, a dining area, and a bonus den or office space off the living room.

An iconic house from The Sopranos is for sale. Photo: Judy Justin Photography LLC

Maikol Puebla and Licelys Olmo of Christie’s International Real Estate are handling the listing.

Interestingly, Uncle Junior’s home was also listed last year at US$585,000.

An iconic house from The Sopranos is for sale. Photo: Judy Justin Photography LLC

Other famous addresses from the show, like the homes of Tony Soprano and Johnny Sack in the Caldwells, have also been on the market.

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