In his own words: Greg Okladnikov, Starr Partners Auburn

With 15 years experience in the real estate industry, Greg Okladnikov has been ranked in the top five of all Starr Partners agents for the past 10 years running. Having been a leading agent with the Merrylands office selling over 1500 properties, he is keen to bring the same success to Starr Partners Auburn.

What was your first job, and what was the most important thing it taught you?
First part time job was on a building sites doing gyprock and labouring work and it taught me the value of getting up early, and how hard you sometimes have to work to earn a dollar. First full time job was as a high school teacher, which taught me the value of being organised, and how to deal with many different types of people and situations. In that role you are always negotiating!!

What do you like most about your work now?
I really enjoy the moment when we sell a home, and both owner and buyer are happy with the outcome. Also, after 15 years in real estate, it’s great when past clients come back to you and see you as a respected and trusted professional.

What do you still find most challenging about what you do, and how do you deal with it?
I find that the most challenging part is working at the different roles in the agency. It is the challenge of being business owner, salesperson and manager. Balancing this so that I can be productive in each part of the business, and maintaining the focus on each part of the business is the biggest challenge.

Define “Success” for you personally? What will you have achieved?
I think success is being able to achieve your goals, help other people achieve theirs, and to do this while still being able to have a great work and life balance and great relationships both in and outside real estate.

Describe what a typical day looks like for you?
First thing is creating a “to do” list to get the key tasks in order. Reply to emails before 9am, check in with the team about appointments for the day, make some prospecting and follow up calls and appointments, and then plan the next day. I really try to keep it as structured as possible.

Is there one thing that’s not obvious about you that you wish more people would “get”?
I think people think that I am always focused and serious about things, however I do like to make work as interesting and as enjoyable as possible.

What’s your secret skill or superpower that makes you so good at what you do?
I don’t think it’s a secret, and most agents would say the same – discipline and consistency, some good systems, follow up, and giving people the right advice for them , not just what will make the sale right now.

What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received, and why?
Probably when a client says “I now call you my friend, and I will only deal with you”. At that point, you become “their agent”

Is there anything you’re afraid to do or you would do if you weren’t afraid to do it?
I am happy to take up almost any challenge, however will draw the line and say I would never go bungee jumping!!

If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be? What would you do more quickly?
I would suggest to get disciplined and organised from day one. Select a database system and work it. Never assume anything about a client, as “you never know what one contact can lead you to”, and to have the attitude that everyone as a person who needs our help, as opposed to just a buyer or a seller.

What are goals for the future?
Short term goals are to get the office firing, and long term is to build a great team who are all achieving their goals, and the office has created a great reputation in the area.

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