Celebrity Homes

Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner make profit on Miami mansion

Joe Jonas, a member of the Jonas Brothers, and his wife Sophie Turner, known for her role in Game of Thrones, have made a successful real estate sale in Miami.

Their waterfront home, previously bought for $11 million in 2021, was sold for US$15 million, making a significant profit for the couple, according to TopTenRealEstateDeals.com.

The sale followed their 2021 transaction when they sold their Encino, California home for US$15.2 million, around the same time they purchased the Miami property.

The buyer was represented by David Pullman of ONE Sotheby’s International Realty, while Joe and Sophie were represented by Carl Gambino with Compass.

Post-purchase, interior designer Sarah Ivory was commissioned to provide a unique redesign to the home.

“The home has an incredible Cali meets Bali vibe,” Mr Pullman said.

Frank Lloyd Wright inspired but with a tropical twist. It was really important to my client to have something unique and expressive. Miami, being such a vibrant city, it was a perfect fit.”

Situated in Miami’s secure Bay Point community, the 967sq m home boasts six bedrooms and nine baths.

Among its luxurious features are a 28.6m private dock with direct bay and ocean access, a chef’s kitchen, a dedicated staff entrance, a cutting-edge spa, a billiard room, an outdoor kitchen, and a bar serving both indoors and outdoors.

Adding to the indulgence, there’s a pool and jacuzzi, along with a separate children’s pool, ensuring comfort and luxury for the entire family.

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