Celebrity Homes

Kylie Minogue and Michael Hutchence’s former Sydney apartment listed for sale

In the heart of Sydney, nestled among iconic landmarks such as Hyde Park, the Opera House, and the glistening harbour, lies a piece of Australia’s pop culture history.

The apartment, once the love nest of Kylie Minogue and the late Michael Hutchence, is a testament to the glamour and nostalgia of the ’90s.

This remarkable residence, located at 2704/187 Liverpool St, has hit the market, with a $3.3 million price guide ahead of its February 28 auction, according to Domain.

The Sydney apartment Michael Hutchence and Kylie Minogue once lived in is for sale. Photo: Domain.

The two-bedroom apartment, with unparalleled views and a generous 127sq m of living space, carries the echoes of its famous past.

Minogue and Hutchence, a celebrity couple that captured the hearts of many during their relationship in the late 80s to early 90s, once called this place home.

The Sydney apartment Michael Hutchence and Kylie Minogue once lived in is for sale. Photo: Domain.

The current owners, with ties to Hutchence’s band INXS, cherish the property’s rich history, as noted by Brody O’Brien of Ayre Real Estate.

Mr O’Brien, alongside co-agent Adrian Wilson, highlights the apartment’s unique allure.

The Sydney apartment Michael Hutchence and Kylie Minogue once lived in is for sale. Photo: Domain.

Its large balcony, accessible from both bedrooms, offers stunning views of Sydney’s landmarks, making it a coveted piece of real estate.

With two car parking spaces included, the property attracts attention not just for its celebrity connection but also for its architectural significance.

The Sydney apartment Michael Hutchence and Kylie Minogue once lived in is for sale. Photo: Domain.

The Connaught, where the apartment is located, stands as a pioneering residential complex in Sydney.

Its reputation is bolstered by a history of famous residents, a 24-hour concierge, and amenities such as a pool and spa.

The Sydney apartment Michael Hutchence and Kylie Minogue once lived in is for sale. Photo: Domain.

The building’s prominence is well-documented, with notable figures like television reporter Jana Wendt and singer Barry Crocker among its past inhabitants.

As the market buzzes with interest from expats, downsizers, and residents from various parts of Sydney, the apartment’s rare combination of location, luxury, and legacy positions it as a highly sought-after property.

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