We Are Real Estate

Loretta Khoo: The difference between ordinary and extraordinary

Deep-seated passion for real estate sees Barry Plant Victoria agent through it all – even a flash flood on auction day

On getting into real estate
I’m not sure whether you choose a passion, or it chooses you. Initially, I thought I chose real estate, but quickly realised it was in my blood and I had followed a deep-seated passion. 

The happiest moment in my career
Despite the professional accolades, the happiest times in my career have been those satisfying moments when I realised I had been positively influential in changing someone’s life situation. 

The most memorable moment
The property that flash-flooded knee-deep on auction day. It was a mad scramble that ended with an elated, grateful and much-relieved vendor.

Best advice she’s received
Only ask of others what you would be willing to do yourself.

Biggest challenge
The expectations of the well-informed public have never been higher. The skill set required of the agents and technologies applied to the industry are rapidly creating highly-educated industry professionals, so the challenge is to keep sight of the fact that it’s still people relating to people. Sometimes, all it takes is to pick up the phone!

Change for good?
With the understanding that regulatory processes need to be in place, these need to be streamlined to allow agents to do what they do best.

‘Elite’ agent means
My definition of an elite agent is someone who knows that the difference between being ‘ordinary’ and ‘extraordinary’ is a choice. More than simply recognising this fact, the elite agent acts upon it.

#WeAreRealEstate is a series of short interviews with 140 agents all over Australia, exploring the industry’s hopes, concerns, future challenges, and what it really means to be an Elite Agent. 

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