They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. And a simple smile can say a thousand words. This explains why non-verbal communication is so powerful and makes up the majority of effective communication.
But how can we express those captious features when we can’t always be face-to-face with everyone?
As agents, we have limited time and opportunities to stand out and make a lasting impression.
After all, it’s a crowded and very competitive industry we are in.
So, it is important to make the most of every chance to communicate, connect and follow up with your pipeline and network – past, present and future.
Particularly in a way that is efficient and en masse while still expressing yourself and your intention in a more personalised, emotive and caring manner. And while still making your clients feel as though you are speaking directly to them.
Every interaction you have when you’re a real estate agent is a critical interaction.
You never know what it could lead to – a referral, a listing, a sale, a management.
But many agents get busy, forget this point and rush these critical interactions, often due to being caught up in wasted activities which are not dollar productive.
This leads to an attempt to communicate more widely and with more people through reverting to written texts and emails and less to calls (usually resulting in leaving a voicemail).
Often these methods result in a limited response.
But you have the power to be different.
Video SMS allows you to capture people’s attention and tap into their emotions – both of which will more likely entice a response as it enables better connection through the non-verbal aspects of communication.
This includes the inflection in your tone, smile, facial and hand movements, eye contact and listening.
And better still, nothing gets lost in translation.
Through the use of video SMS, you have the opportunity to connect and follow up in a unique way.
It is your chance to communicate and stand out.
Video SMS is quick and easy, it costs little to nothing and showcases much more of you.
While it is a bulk messaging tool, it has a personal undertone that allows your personality and professionalism to shine so that you engage on a deeper level than anything in writing.
There are many uses for video SMS.
- Confirming an appraisal appointment.
“Hi …… it’s Marnie from ……. I just wanted to confirm our appointment tomorrow at 2pm at your home. I’m really looking forward to meeting you! If you have any questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me. Otherwise, I’ll see you tomorrow. Have an awesome afternoon.”
- Follow up post appraisal.
“Hi …..Thanks for having me in your home. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me…”
- Introduction video.
This is for owners not in attendance at the appraisal, where you provide your contact details for any questions they may have once they see the report. For example, deceased estates or power of attorney.
- Past MA follow up – Neighbourhood updates.
Create a bulk video for all past appraisals advising of new listings or new sales in their neighbourhood.
“Good morning. I just wanted to let you know that a property has just come on the market close to you, which we should keep an eye on. It will give us a good indication of current demand in your neighbourhood. I will keep you posted on the result.”
You can also send:
- auction invites to connections in the neighbourhood
- bulk video to advise of new listings which may suit them if they’re buyer/sellers
- personal videos to invite connections to community events you’re involved in
- Bulk video to buyers after an open home.
“Good afternoon, thank you for attending our open home today at ……
It was lovely to meet you! I will be in contact regarding feedback on your property soon. If you require any further information in the meantime, such as a copy of the contract, the building and pest report or if you’d like to arrange another viewing, please reach out to me to help you. We’ve had some great interest, so I want to make sure you’re kept in the loop.”
You can also send:
- a bulk video notification of a new listing to applicable buyers in your database
- a bulk auction invite video to all property inspection and open home attendees
- a just sold results video to all buyers who attended inspections or inquired about the property
- Post open home initial feedback video as you’re leaving.
“Hi ….. I just wanted to let you know that I’ve finished up at your open, we had a super turnout with ….. groups through. Once I’ve done the buyer calls, I’ll be in touch again with more detailed feedback. Have a great day and thank you so much for presenting your home so beautifully.”
You can also send:
- updates/confirmations of bookings such as photography, open homes, building inspections, stylists, and more
- a weekly inquiry activity summary
- post private inspection videos, as above (if no face-to-face possible).
- updates between exchange settlement
- community events and fundraiser invites
Past sales
- Anniversary congratulations video.
“Hi …… Happy home anniversary! Can you believe it’s been yours for a year already! I hope you’re well and still enjoying your new home. I’m always here for you, so please reach out if I can assist you with any real estate matter or advice.”
You can also send:
- community events and fundraiser invites
- a quarterly market wrap on listings and sales for their specific neighbourhood and offer to update them on the equity they hold in their home annually
All clients
- Merry Christmas videos.
“Hi ….. It’s Marnie from ….. I hope you’re well. I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year.”
You can also send:
- birthday message videos
- Mother’s Day and Father’s Day message videos
- Easter message videos.
If you’ve ever read the book Purple Cow by Seth Godin, you’ll know exactly why being different is critical to your exposure and your attraction.
The basis of his writing revolves around standing out and having people talk about you, remember you and be drawn to you.
When you see a brown cow, nobody talks about it, but everyone would talk about a purple cow in the field.
That’s the effect of being different, everybody talks about you.
What are you doing differently? What will make people naturally talk about you, recommend you and remember you?
If you want to be an attraction agent, rely on word-of-mouth advertising and have everyone talking positively about you – do things differently.