Reinvention is all about reimagining and redefining what you do on every level.
As an industry, we’ve been around for a very long time.
We have seen many developments in technology and emerging Artificial Intelligence, which has assisted in functionality, efficiency and systemisation.
But we have to be careful that we don’t forget the power of communication and connection.
Because people still want to deal with people.
So, the question you need to ask yourself, as an agent in an evolving world of digitalisation, is how you accomplish this so that you stand out from the crowd and become an attraction agent.
The key is in creating a lasting connection through personal, human interaction with a focus on producing a client-centric customer experience in every interaction.
You are the point of difference clients are looking for, and how you communicate with them will ultimately determine whether they choose you or not.
The biggest opportunity for you to develop a bond is in the listing presentation.
Reinventing your delivery and changing the focus from “presenting” to “building a connection” enables your personality and gratitude to shine.
By asking questions, you bring your client into the process and make it about them.
The aim is essentially to deliver information, add value and satisfy your clients’ expectations so that they come to a conclusion themselves rather than you telling them what to think or do.
The details then manifest through a better understanding and belief that you are on the same wavelength, confirming that their needs have been met.
Simply put, it builds trust.
When you engage through a question-based approach and actively listen to their answers, you connect on a psychological level by aligning yourself with their need to be heard and included.
Communication is seven per cent the words you speak, 38 per cent the inflection and tonality of your voice and 55 per cent non-verbal, which includes listening, being alert and interested, maintaining eye contact, being relaxed and nodding in affirmation and acceptance.
And smile, even while you speak!
To convey your message, you need to listen more than you speak.
To better understand your clients, start engagement before you book the appraisal. All it takes is asking a few simple questions.
- How long have you owned your home?
- Have you done any renovations or extensions since you’ve owned it?
- Are you looking to move out of the area, or can I assist you in searching for your next home?
- Have you had any other appraisals in the past few months?
- So that I can do the right research before I arrive, do you have an idea what price bracket your home may fall into?
You will gain so much background information from these questions!
Your follow up digital pre-list should be short and informative, providing an agenda and a snapshot of you. When confirming the appointment, send a short video SMS, which is far more personal than a text or email.
Your meeting should start with a simple opening question such as:
- What is the most important thing to you in choosing an agent?
- What are you looking for?
This sets the tone for the rest of your presentation as you give their answer focus throughout.
No two listing presentations should be the same if you’re doing it right.
Always start with a question and finish with a confirmation.
For example:
The market
Ask, “Are you familiar with what is currently happening in the market, or is there something more you would like to know?”
Method of sale
Ask, “Have you had experience buying or selling at auction?”
Or try, “How did you purchase this home? Tell me about that experience, and would you be comfortable selling at auction this time around?”
Close with, “Great, so just confirming that you’re comfortable going to market via auction/sale.”
Ask, “When you search for property, where do you mostly look?”
Or try asking, “Do you search further than the first page or two on sites such as”
Close by saying, “We will be promoting your property with a package which includes XYZ. Is there anything else that we haven’t covered that you would like to include?”
Do your comparable analysis with detailed information first.
Then you can ask, “Based upon this information, where do you see your home sitting?” You can follow this with a discussion.
Close by saying, “Ok, so we will introduce your property to market with a guide of $XXX”
About you
Ask your vendors one straightforward question, “Do you have any questions about me or my experience?”
First, ask the vendors, “Have we covered all that you were hoping to cover?”
And follow that with, “If you decide to list your property, how soon would you like to be on the market?”
And finally ask, “Would you feel confident with me as your agent?”
To make an incomparable impression, speak clearly and succinctly and continually clarify and summarise as you go.
Forget the scripts, forget the booklets and forget the statistics. Instead, discuss each category and let the conversation flow.
Agents spend hours on lead generation but not on improving conversion rates.
Regardless of new leads, an inability to convert them can do more damage than good to your personal brand.
What’s worse? Not getting the opportunity or getting the opportunity and losing it?
By improving your appraisal to list ratio, not only will you be doing less work with a better outcome, but you will receive more referrals, more repeat business and create a healthier, more active pipeline.
The ability to communicate effectively is essentially what will make or break an agent’s career.
Regularly practise your pitch, just not on clients.
Find team members, family, friends – anyone to role play with you.
Ask for honest feedback and film yourself so that you can review your body language, tone, verbal content, eye contact and engagement.
Always have a positive mindset and be you!
Honesty and transparency are imperative because people can see right through fake dialogue.
If you aren’t humbly confident, why would they have confidence in you?
If a client likes you, they will trust you. If they trust you, they will believe in you. And if they believe in you, they will engage you.