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McGrath agents support local communities with over $1 Million in donations

McGrath Estate Agents have announced that its agents and offices throughout the eastern seaboard have collectively donated more than $1,000,000 to charities during the 2018 financial year.

McGrath Chief Executive Officer Geoff Lucas affirmed the company’s commitment to supporting and giving back to its local communities.

“Community is at the core of McGrath’s values and truly ingrained in our culture. We strongly believe it’s important that as a company we support and give back to the communities in which we operate and hope that in doing so we can make a difference.”

Mr Lucas added, “The generosity of spirit felt across our network is truly inspiring and I am incredibly proud to have so many generous and compassionate individuals representing our company.”

During the past financial year, donations were made to a diverse cross-section of not-for-profits and community organisations across the east coast of Australia, from local youth groups to major charitable organisations.

McGrath Caloundra Principal Jodie Hedley-Ward said it was essential for herself and her entire team to be valuable members of their local community, with the Caloundra office embracing the Community Giveback Program, benefitting almost 100 not-for-profit charities in their area.

“Community involvement is at the very heart of what we do at McGrath Caloundra. Our team’s commitment to local groups and charities at an office level, and over and above this at an individual level, is something we are incredibly proud of. Our team enjoy coming to work knowing that we are helping to change lives each day.”

McGrath Northern Rivers Principal David Mills said community was at the heart of his business.

“We are lucky to live and work in an amazing community. Our industry is in the lives of everyone in our local area – we all live in a property. Simply put, we need to be in the community giving back.”

McGrath St George Principal Matthew King said that making a positive impact in the local community was of great importance for himself and his team.

“Our team is dedicated to supporting our local community; whether it’s at the St George School for Disabilities, St George and Sutherland Medical Research Foundation, our local Lions and Rotary Clubs, or simply helping out at local sporting clubs and schools. We pride ourselves on our commitment to making a difference in our community.”

Longstanding McGrath agent John Paranchi of McGrath Hunters Hill said that giving back to the local community was very close to his heart.

“As a local resident and a local business I rely on my community, so it’s only natural for me to support the community where I live and work,” said Mr Paranchi.

McGrath Eastern Suburbs agent Simon Exleton has been a major sponsor of his local Tamarama Surf Lifesaving Club for the past ten years. He said the club was at the very heart of the Tamarama community and supporting its volunteer lifesavers was incredibly important to him.

In addition to the generous donations already contributed across the network, Mr Lucas said that he was thrilled to announce McGrath’s support of the Australian farming community with its Help Our Aussie Farmers initiative.

“At McGrath a number of our people and their families are directly feeling the impact of the current drought. But for most of us, it hasn’t yet impacted us or our families directly. Sadly, for almost all regional Australia they are hanging on by the proverbial thread. Many have had no rainfall for six to 12 months and are facing a growing season with no crops, which means no income. Importantly, it’s not just the direct economic impact – it’s also the physical and mental health issues that arise as a consequence.

“To support the drought relief and our fellow Australians in a time of great need, during the month of September our offices are contributing from their sales transactions to Aussie Helpers. Together I believe we can make a difference,” said Mr Lucas.

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