RE/MAX New Zealand general manager Corinna Mansell has ousted real estate leaders from regions around the world to win the RE/MAX Director of the Year Global Award.
Mansell was announced the winner in February at the RE/MAX R4 Convention in Las Vegas, which drew more than 6000 delegates from around the world, and was presented with her award by Larry Oberly, Vice President, Global Development.
RE/MAX LLC acknowledged her hard work, commitment and passion in the making RE/MAX New Zealand a region that is growing and prospering, while significantly recognising the sense of team and professional culture of sharing and supporting that she has created with the broker-owners in the network.
“This award is an incredible honour but what it highlights is RE/MAX New Zealand’s place on the real estate world stage,” Mansell said.
“With more than 110,000 agents networking around the globe, you can only imagine the benefits to both agents and customers,” she said.
“RE/MAX agents are the most productive in the world, outselling other agents by two to one, which means twice as many families helped and twice as many dreams realised.”

RE/MAX New Zealand and RE/MAX Australia were two of six regions nominated for the RE/MAX Global Region of the Year award, which went to South America.
Mansell joined RE/MAX New Zealand in 2013 and accepted the role of General Manager a year after.
“I bought my first real estate office in 2001 and grew that to seven over a seven-year period. Market share grew from five per cent to more than 70 per cent.
“My passion held strong through sales, property management, business management, business ownership, business mentoring and development; and the opportunity to head New Zealand for RE/MAX was a defining moment in my career.
At present, RE/MAX is present in more than 100 countries and has more than 7000 offices.