Help Owners Protect Their Investment with ‘Meth’ Education Program

The use of methamphetamine (meth) has tripled in Australia in the last five years. Many property managers have already seen firsthand the cost and hassle of cleaning a property with unsafe levels of contamination, caused not only by undetected meth labs but also the smoking of meth, or ice, inside residential properties.

As reported earlier, the number of Australians using the illegal drug methamphetamine – including crystal methamphetamine, or ice (meth) – has tripled over the past five years, based on National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre estimates. In 2015, according to the Australian Crime Commission, police found 744 secret meth labs across Australia.

Bryan Goodall, National Sales Manager for Octief, has seen it many times before. “In homes where there has been a meth lab, or where there has been heavy use of the drug ice, chemical residue can seep into soft furnishing, carpets and even walls and ceilings, leaving unwitting new tenants or owners exposed to serious health risks.

“What you want is for owners to be proactive about this, as it is extremely difficult to establish direct fault and liability without testing on change of property occupants – which may have implications on things like insurance,” says Mr Goodall.

Octief offers baseline screening services for meth, as well as for other hazards such as asbestos and contaminated land.

“Our aim is to help property managers educate their owners on the potential risks and help avoid them. It’s common practice to inspect buildings before purchase for things like termites, so with the increase in meth usage it is better to be safe than sorry,” he added.

Visit screenformeth.com.au for more information.

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