Celebrity Homes

Olivia Newton-John’s Californian ranch for sale

Olivia Newton-John’s serene Californian ranch, where she spent her final years, is now on the market.

Her husband, John Easterling, has listed the Santa Ynez estate, which boasts four bedrooms and four bathrooms, with a price guide of $US8.9 million ($AU13.5 million), according to Domain.

The couple purchased the property in 2015 for $US4.9 million ($AU7.4 million).

Olivia Newton-John’s Californian ranch is for sale. Photo: Domain/Village Properties.

Easterling, a naturopathic entrepreneur, met Newton-John in the mid-2000s, and they married in 2008.

Newton-John, who passed away at age 73 in August 2022 from breast cancer, dedicated her later years to cancer research.

Olivia Newton-John’s Californian ranch is for sale. Photo: Domain/Village Properties.

The private estate, represented by Carey Kendall of Village Properties, is fronted by the picturesque Santa Ynez River and surrounded by a lush fruit orchard and olive trees.

Located in a renowned wine region north of Santa Barbara, Santa Ynez is famous for its scenic cycling trails, museums, shops, and restaurants.

Olivia Newton-John’s Californian ranch is for sale. Photo: Domain/Village Properties.

The estate features a main residence and a two-bedroom, two-bathroom guest house.

The interiors exude warmth and charm, highlighted by French limestone floors, vaulted timber ceilings, cherry wood details, and custom mahogany settees.

Olivia Newton-John’s Californian ranch is for sale. Photo: Domain/Village Properties.

An open-plan guest room flows into a sunroom via bi-fold doors, while the west wing includes practical spaces such as a mudroom, pantry, laundry room, and office.

Designed for recreation and leisure, the property includes a games room, sauna, pool, cabana, outdoor kitchen, and children’s playground.

According to the listing, the pool has been completely renovated, ensuring a perfect retreat for future owners.

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