Celebrity Homes

Original winning apartment from The Block set for auction

An iconic Bondi Beach apartment, made famous by winning the inaugural season of The Block, will go up for auction on October 7.

Initially renovated and sold on the popular TV show 20 years ago, the unit located at 1/67 Roscoe St has a price guide of $1.4 million, according to realestate.com.au.

This is a stark increase from its 2003 sale price of $751,000.

The apartment, renovated on a budget of $40,000, measures 100 square metres and was the highest-earning property in the first season of the renovation reality show.

The initial sale earned the winners, Adam Thorn and Fiona Mills, a prize sum of $256,000.

Occupying a ground-floor position in a four-unit building, the property has been in the same hands for over two decades.

The long-term owner is poised to capitalise on the significant rise in property values.

With features such as polished timber floors and a Caesarstone kitchen that leads to a courtyard, the home offers immediate proximity to Bondi’s vibrant bars, boutiques, and the beach.

“It feels like you’re in a semi,” Sean Poche, of PPD Real Estate, told realestate.com.au.

“It’s got really high ceilings and a really nice outdoor area which prospective buyers are commenting on a lot.”

“It’s such a great position. Roscoe St is great in that it doesn’t get a lot of passing traffic, and it’s a short walk to the beach and shops.”

While the interior remains in good condition, Mr Poche revealed that potential buyers are contemplating further renovations.

Interestingly, this is the only unit in the building that has not changed hands since the four apartments were first renovated and sold on The Block.

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