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Our 10 most listened-to podcasts of 2020

The Elevate podcast brings you the best minds in business and in real estate. Here are our 10 most popular episodes for 2020.

It’s been a big year in terms of breaking real estate news and industry reaction. But now we’re embracing some ‘2020 hindsight’ to share the 10 most listened-to podcasts of the year.

So, drumroll please… here are the top 10 podcasts of the year.

10 Josh Tesolin: Digital marketing masterclass

Back in June, we spoke with agent of the year Josh Tesolin.

From quickly adapting to COVID-19 to hot marketing tips and why using video and social media is more important than ever before, Josh shared in-depth insights into how he continues to improve his performance year on year.

Listen here | Action Guide here

9 Mark McLeod: The fundamentals of growth in real estate

Macca always makes sense. This podcast was actually about growth in any market, including how the role of the real estate agent needs to evolve both within this market and in the future, how to turn around a stale listing (not that there are many of those at the moment!) and much more.

Listen here | Action Guide here

8 Greg Merrilees: How to build trust and nurture relationships online

Robert Cialdini’s best-selling book Influence talks about six factors that can help you sell anything to anyone.

And what works in the offline – or person to person world – also works with your website.

If you have goals for your website in the year ahead, this podcast is definitely worth a listen.

Listen here | Action Guide here

7 Doug Driscoll: Addressing the complex issues

Doug Driscoll is not one to shy away from the tough conversations, and even at the beginning of this year (pre-pandemic!), there were a few of them that needed to be had.

Machine vs human, sexual harassment in the workplace, review platforms, portals and more.

Nothing was off-limits in this podcast.

Listen here | Action Guide here

6 Jimmy Mackin: Exactly what to say to progress the deal

The finish line is in sight, but what’s needed to cross it? In this podcast with Jimmy Mackin, we discussed the magic words required to close the deal, and how to get stubborn buyers and sellers to take action.

The dialogues are all here including dialogue for expired listings, objection handling, stubborn customers, and more.

Listen here | Action Guide here | Watch here

5 Jason Gesing: Building a virtual real estate business

A pandemic doesn’t pose a problem if you’re already virtual.

Just a few short weeks before COVID entered the common lexicon in February this year, eXp CEO Jason Gesing joined us to share his insight into the virtual world.

Listen here | Action Guide here

4 Mat Steinwede: How to design a career and life free from anxiety

“Sometimes you’ve just got to make those choices. What fits in your world? What doesn’t get you to where you need to go?”

While you’re contemplating your goals for 2021, this popular podcast with leading agent Mat Steinwede might suit the mood.

Listen here | Action Guide here

3 Nancy Youseff: The road to financial freedom and creating a life with purpose

Nancy Youseff was our first ever broker on the Elevate Podcast and she made the Top 10 in 2020 after an interview that was less about finance broking and more about the art of delegating, recruiting safely for the first time, making smart money decisions, and conquering your fears.

Listen here | Action Guide here

2 Will Ainsworth: Competition, Transparency and Social Proof

Recorded late last year, this podcast harks back to when Will was still with McGrath, but it does show you when it’s good content it has longevity!

As most of you know, Will has created some big change in his career by joining Openn Negotiation this year, and we can’t wait to welcome him back into Transform 2021 where he will be breaking down how to build a successful EBU (and of course there will be the usual auction action, next year with a little twist!).

Meanwhile, this episode is a masterclass on how to stand out in a crowded market.

Listen here | Action Guide here

1 Gavin Rubinstein: What it takes in 2020

At #1 is the man of the evergreen moment Gavin Rubinstein. When you decide to start a business in a year like 2020 you need to prove you really have what it takes.

Listen here | Action guide here.

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Samantha McLean

Samantha McLean is the Co-founder and Managing Editor of Elite Agent, Australia's trusted platform for real estate news, insights, and community connection. With over 20 years in sales and marketing across respected global companies, Samantha brings practical expertise and thoughtful leadership to the industry. Since founding Elite Agent, Samantha has grown the brand from a magazine into a dynamic media hub that includes the Elevate podcast, daily newsletters, and engaging industry events. Her approachable style and genuine curiosity have earned Elite Agent recognition, including multiple Mumbrella awards for excellence. Samantha is passionate about exploring how technology, especially artificial intelligence, can improve productivity and client relationships without losing the essential human touch. She regularly discusses these topics with industry experts on the Elevate podcast. She holds a Bachelor of Business from the University of Technology Sydney. Connect with Samantha at Elite Agent or or visit her personal website