Celebrity Homes

Parisian home of former King Edward VIII to open

The stunning Villa Windsor, located in the heart of Paris, is set to open to the public for the first time next year as a museum and event space in time for the Paris Olympics.

The neoclassical structure was formerly home to former King Edward VIII, who abdicated the throne in 1936 after proposing to his American wife, Wallis Simpson, who was in the midst of her second divorce.

The mansion features 14 elegant rooms, a picturesque garden spanning 3.7 acres, a large dining room, a beautiful hall, and a library.

The estate, owned by the city of Paris, served as the Duke and Duchess of Windsor’s residence until their passing in the 1970s and 1980s.

The home was later leased to Mohamed Al-Fayed, who returned it back to the city four years ago.

Thanks to the efforts of the charitable organisation Fondation Mansart, the building is set to receive extensive renovations, including the installation of a new heating system, a permanent exhibition about the history of the building, a cafe, a restaurant, and other general upgrades to meet safety codes.

Picture: Architectural Digest/Horst P. Horst

Despite these changes, the historical significance and beauty of the Villa Windsor will remain intact.

Albéric de Montgolfier, president of Fondation Mansart, expressed his excitement about the project, saying, “It is a luxury house with a big, big dining room, a beautiful hall, a library, and one and a half hectares of gardens.”

Admission to the Villa Windsor will be free and open to the public, giving everyone a chance to experience the unique blend of French and British history that this home represents.

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