We might live in a world that is more connected, switched on, plugged in and constant than ever before, but how do you combat the fact many people are clocking in and checking out?
This is the question posed and answered by renowned real estate and business advisor Rik Rushton in his latest book: The Power of Connection – How to become a master communicator in your workplace, your headspace and at your place.
Rushton describes The Power of Connection as a holistic approach to professional and personal communication.
“Communication has become one of the most puzzling paradoxes of our time. We live in a world that is hyper-connected; more plugged in, tuned in and turned on than ever before.
“Yet social science confirms that more and more people feel isolated and disconnected from their communities and families. They feel overworked, underpaid, misunderstood and alone.
“Despite the capability to be ‘in touch’ 24/7, many people are disengaged and disillusioned.”
The Power of Connection delivers practical and proactive solutions to connect these important relationships through better communication.
“Do you: Work with people who seem to come from another planet? Have a little voice in your head that keeps undermining you? Have kids who prefer texting to speaking, or a spouse who seems to think you’re psychic?” Rushton asks.
“Unless you have the powers of a Jedi Knight, your ability to maximise the value of relationships in these three arenas relies on your power to connect. Remember, ‘There are no successful hermits’! We all need to form deeper relationships with others to achieve ultimate success in every area of our lives.”
Explaining that his book is designed to help people “tune in and communicate on the same frequency”, he says deeper connections with those you are close to are formed through the quality of your communication, firstly with yourself and then with others.
“Great communication is an inside job.”
The book covers essential areas like how to listen more effectively, how to connect more meaningfully and how to make sure your thoughts and ideas are heard and understood.
And according to reviews, it’s hitting just the right spot.
“Rik has a talent for taking complex communication, leadership and customer service strategies and making them simple for my teams to implement to drive greater levels of revenue and customer satisfaction. His book is a genuine roadmap to opening long-term relationships,” says Sam Farrar, General Manager, Southern Cross Austereo.
Rik Rushton’s The Power of Connection is available on December 19.