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PRD appoints new managing director

Todd Hadley has been appointed Managing Director of PRD, taking over from Tony Brasier who has been at the helm of the real estate company for eight years.

With 13 years’ experience, including a background in stakeholder relations, Mr Hadley will lead PRD forward in day-to-day operations, driving the business forward into the future.

“I am thrilled to take over the leadership of PRD and continue to execute the strategic direction we have defined,” Mr Hadley said.

“It is a privilege to work with such a dedicated and passionate team.

“Our focus will be on improvement across all parts of our business and continued focus on growth.”

Mr Hadley said PRD would deliver a number of new initiatives in 2020, using new technology to enable new franchisees and the existing network the opportunity of additional revenue streams and the combined flexibility to continue to provide great service and results to their customers.

“There are great opportunities for us to continually add value to the PRD franchisees and their agents across all market segments and we are well placed to take full advantage,” he said.

Mr Brasier will retain his position as Chairman, where he will remain focused on providing strategy and growth support to PRD and its wider franchise network.

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