FRANCHISE NEWSNationalReal Estate News

Professionals aims to strengthen offering with restructure

The national reshaping of Professionals Real Estate Group will lead to better service and support for the 225-plus members of the real estate network, according to the new chief executive officer.

The management of Professionals Real Estate Group was previously split between seaparate divisions across Australia but the restructure leaves the group with one core board of directors and management team.

Recently appointed CEO David Crombie said the restructure would help the group focus on key areas for improvement and growth.

“The unification of the group is the result of many years of hard work by all directors of the states to create a single powerful force in the national market,” said Mr Crombie.

“Under the unification our members will see an increased level of service and support as a result of now being truly national and having a national strategy.”

Professionals Real Estate Group, which was founded by six independent real estate agents in 1976, now has more than 225 agencies under its banner and is among the top 10 largest real estate networks in the country.

Mr Crombie, who will split his time between Professionals offices throughout Australia, said a key priority for the group was to ensure that it continued to provide “local” service to its members.

“We will continue to have team members based in each state but those team members and the members in each state will have access to a greater level of resources and support under the new structure and technology that will be implemented.”

“The unification will create some cost savings from an operational level which we plan to put into providing a greater level of service to our members.”

Professionals Chairman Carl Petersen said the changes would make the group stronger while maintaining the core appeals of the network.

“Professionals is a fantastic national group with a culture of great values, sharing information and great social networking,’’ said Mr Petersen.

“Membership for me over 35 years has been highly rewarding both financially and in terms of business growth development.”

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