Professionals continue their support for the National Breast Cancer Foundation during Pink Ribbon Month

Since 2003, Professionals has been a proud partner of the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF), with offices donating a portion of the commission from each property sale along with holding fundraising events throughout the year.

As one of only two Diamond Partners of NBCF, along with Ford Australia, Professionals offices take part in fundraising, particularly during NBCF’s Pink Ribbon Month, holding fundraising events throughout the year in their communities in support of breast cancer research.

“October is special month at Professionals, with an NBCF Marketing pack provided to all our offices to use in their marketing in support of NBCF,” said CEO David Crombie.

“Over our long-standing partnership, Professionals have contributed over $3.3 million dollars in support of game-changing breast cancer research, in addition to raising life-saving awareness of breast screening and early detection over the last 15 years.”

Exciting news from the National Breast Cancer Foundation is that even since last year the Australian Government has reported five-year survival rates for breast cancer have increased from 90 to 91 per cent – a significant change considering the population of Australians diagnosed with breast cancer each year. This is the second such increment in three years, and a sure sign that NBCF’s goal ‘Towards Zero Deaths by 2030’ is on track thanks to targeted breast cancer research.

In Australia there is a limited research budget, with many researchers competing for the same funding, meaning a lot of high-quality research doesn’t get funded unless that funding comes from the community. This is why Professionals have established a long-standing relationship with NBCF, and are hoping with their support the fight can continue to change breast cancer outcomes for patients and their families.

“We know that research is not just a stopgap for today; it is the key to stopping breast cancer deaths in the future. The only way we will do this is through developing better methods to identify, treat and prevent the disease,” said NBCF CEO Professor Sarah Hosking.

“As NBCF is 100 per cent community funded, we are completely reliant on support from the community and the generosity of our corporate partners like Professionals, so their donations will go a long way to helping us achieve our goal of zero deaths from breast cancer by 2030. This is the result of our strong, 15-year partnership with the Professionals and is a reflection of your passion and dedication to helping NBCF fund world-class breast cancer research,” she said.

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Hannah Blackiston

Hannah Blackiston was an in-house journalist with Elite Agent. She worked with the company from January 2018 to January 2019.