Raine & Horne Rural Sydney has won the bid to identify and secure primary production agriculture assets on behalf of several local and global agribusiness funds.
To facilitate the engagement, Raine & Horne Rural Sydney has finalised a joint venture with aviation firm, Fleet Helicopters, to help transport its high-profile clients and investment fund managers to property inspections across Australia.
“Our clients are private entities and maintaining their confidentiality is paramount. Some of them manage investment funds worth more than $60 billion and they want to see as many agricultural assets as possible,” Andrew Tout, Director of Raine & Horne Rural Sydney said.
Raine & Horne Rural Sydney’s mix of local, Asian and European clients are seeking portfolios offering commodity diversification, similar in character to the assets held by AgCap’s Sustainable Agriculture Fund, and the Australian Food and Agriculture Fund.
“The joint venture with Fleet Helicopters, which has a fleet of 39 choppers, is proving a game changer for our time-poor clients. Our helicopter fleet affords fast and hassle-free property inspections,” Tout said.
A rural real estate sector disrupter, Raine & Horne Rural Sydney has established a multi-discipline operation, which includes the essential commercial and legal expertise to safely and expertly establish and manage fund structures on behalf of local and foreign investors.
“Raine & Horne Rural Sydney is not your run-of-the-mill rural real estate company.
“We have an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL), and have the requisite governance and other compliance pieces in place.”
The success of AgCap’s Sustainable Agriculture Fund, confirms the appetite and suitability for stapled unit trust fund structures to acquire, capitalise, manage and accumulate agribusiness assets, says Mr Tout.
“For institutional investors looking to take a medium to long-term position on the Australian agriculture sector, the outlook is very bright,” he said.
“Moreover, acquiring, or establishing Managed Investment Trust (MIT) compliant structures to own and operate agribusiness assets unlocks more competitive and tax-efficient outcomes for investors.
“With initial and established operating assets in place, these structures can be the platform to accumulate and scale additional agri-assets.”